My Astrodome team looks pretty good-statistically:
We are number 1 in the league in Pitching and defense (including double-plays). We lead the leauge in doubles and are 4th in OBP.
And we are in [i:9acd2330dd]last place[/i:9acd2330dd] with a 69-72 record! I'll try to post a link for ya'll to help me figure out what went wrong. FWIW, when I click on the "expanded" button, Bill James's theorem says my squad should have a record of 78-63, owing to our runs scored (644) vs. Runs allowed (580).
I tried to post a link, but I'm too much of an internet klutz; I can't seem to figure out how to post the link! Sorry. I know my team has too many lefty hitters and not quite enough good righty hitters.