Analysis to follow. Note, our rating was a little lower prior to the moves and WAY lower without Tulo (40% of our games). Don't know what Stoney or Big A's ratings were before the deals or Silver's before his moves.
One thing I will note is that there seem to be a lot of extreme teams this time around and a wide variety of parks. Pitcher's parks will generally generage lower ratings and hitter higher. When I gen up the ratings in each park, I expect that some teams with lower ratings will fare well.
Team.… O P F P+F Overall
Stoney. 8192 5063 623 5686 2506
JoeTJet 7962 4963 539 5502 2460
Smokey. 8110 5048 721 5769 2341
BigMahn 7596 5133 131 5264 2332
JeepDrv 7926 5304 415 5719 2207
Dtigers 8199 5542 503 6045 2153
nythawk 7538 5115 322 5437 2101
Silver.. 7449 5061 321 5383 2066
Zim13.. 6995 4803 194 4997 1998
BigAlrc 7474 4979 521 5500 1974
Keyzick 7638 4905 827 5732 1906
ArrylTr 8065 5727 470 6197 1868
Team Ov Ovrl Rtg Rec Dif
Stoney. 2506 1 5 -4 C
JoeTJet 2460 2 8 -6 C
Smokey. 2341 4 7 -3 W
BigMahn 2332 4 4 0 C
JeepDrv 2207 5 2 3 E
Dtigers 2153 6 7 -1 W
nythawk 2101 7 4 3 W
Silver.. 2066 8 9 -1 E
Zim13.. 1998 9 4 5 E
BigAlrc 1974 9 5 4 E
Keyzick 1906 10 6 4 C
ArrylTr 1868 11 6 5 W
Team Of O Rtg Run Dif
Dtigers 8199 1 1 0 W
Stoney. 8192 1 5 -4 C
Smokey. 8110 2 4 -2 W
ArrylTr 8065 3 3 0 W
JoeTJet 7962 4 5 -1 C
JeepDrv 7926 5 4 1 E
Keyzick 7638 7 7 0 C
BigMahn 7596 8 5 3 C
nythawk 7538 9 8 1 W
BigAlrc 7474 10 5 5 E
Silver.. 7449 10 7 3 E
Zim13.. 6995 12 11 1 E
Team PF P+F Rtg Run Dif
Zim13.. 4997 1 1 0 E
BigMahn 5264 3 3 0 C
Silver.. 5383 5 4 1 E
nythawk 5437 6 2 4 W
BigAlrc 5500 7 3 4 E
JoeTJet 5502 7 7 0 C
Stoney. 5686 9 8 1 C
JeepDrv 5719 9 6 3 E
Keyzick 5732 9 8 1 C
Smokey. 5769 9 11 -2 W
Dtigers 6045 11 12 -1 W
ArrylTr 6197 12 10 2 W