[quote:df94014676="cshannajr"]this is what we finally agreed on:
cshannajr sends Michael Young/2009 1st round spring prospect pick/ 3rd round 2009 supplemental summer free agent draft pick to watts for 1st round summer 2008 prospect draft pick, 3rd round 2009 spring free agent draft pick and andy pettitte
watts to confirm.[/quote:df94014676]
Okay but bear in mind, watts is gonna have the same probelm next year,
the league rules for the supplemental draft are VERY clear:
2) All owners must announce their roster drops [b:df94014676][color=red:df94014676]( up to 3)[/color:df94014676][/b:df94014676] prior to the Supplemental draft.
3) Owners may draft no more than [b:df94014676][color=red:df94014676]3 players[/color:df94014676][/b:df94014676]; Owners are not required to draft any players during the Supplemental draft
6) The Supplemental Free Agent draft is only 3 rounds. Owners with less than a full roster may use the Supplemental Free Agent Draft to get back to a 40 man roster provided they can do it within 3 rounds. There will never be more than 36 picks made in the Supplemental draft.
So as the rules currently read, the only way watts can use your 3rd round supplemental pick NEXT year is to complete an unbalanced trade between now and then to make his roster stand at 39.
Look, I know it seems logical to just let watts make an extra drop to get the pick but right now the rules are NOT in place to do that. The max 3 drop rule for the supplemental draft is to ensure we don't pillage to many players for the following season's spring draft.
However, so long as we are only picking 36 players I could be persuded to change the rule effective next year, if you all are in agreement on it.
Basically the rule would read that when you trade away a supplemental draft pick you not only trade the pick but the rights to make a drop. So the player trading aay the pick can only make 2 drops and the player recieving the pick is aloowed to make 4.
LMK what you all think...
Oh and I still need [b:df94014676]watts[/b:df94014676] to confirm the new deal