Fix my Y56 team, please...

Fix my Y56 team, please...

Postby Palanion » Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:27 pm

If it needs fixin...

This team is built for Yankee '56, and I have had success with most of these guys before, some are new to me here though.

What do I need to do to fix this ballclub that has lost 10 straight and sits at 7-14. Morgan and Boggs are setting the table nicely, but Reggie S. and Aaron are not providing the punch I need in the middle of the lineup. Mincher and Merkle are providing a GREAT platoon, but Oglivie is not normal.

Pitching has been atrocious, despite having had 19 win season in Y56 with Key twice, Holtzman once, and Carlton won 14, I think, in 24 starts my previous time....

My lineups (basically, since I do change them for certain situations)

vs. RHP
R. Smith

vs. LHP
R. Smith
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Postby MATTSCHMIDT » Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:37 pm

I see a big problem in that you do not have a big lefty bat that can hold his own against lefties. See if you can trade for Ruth, Snider, Cash, Boog and/or Mathews. Parrish is also a bad fit. Grab May or Gedman if available.
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Postby The Last Druid » Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:53 pm

Since you ask:

I think your starting pitching is OK for your park. I think your choices there are fine. You face 33% lefties in your division which, while not great, is not unreasonable either. So I would not tinker with your starters.

Lefferts seems to be a particularly poor fit for your park. I like Carlton because his #'s are all against righties against whom he is a monster in your park. Key is good for your park as well. Bennett too for the occasional spot start.

Aaron and Parrish wilt in your park with the hr 1-5 for righthanders. Not good choices for that park at all. See if you can trade Aaron.

Reggie Smith is an overpriced platoon player you start both ways. I actually kept him in 100 M league for that role, but he is an extravagance that cannot be afforded in an 80 M league. Plus with Aaron and Smith on the team you are playing a 3 in CF which is just asking for problems. I personally think Boggs sucks. And keep in mind your park only rewards left handed homerun hitters, not singles hitters. You want guys like Oglivie and Mincher whose ballpark hr's enhance their value in your park. Those two I like but not back to back in the order. Merkle is not a good platoon at all for Mincher. I like Burns with Mincher. But your paying 2 M for garbage against lefties. The money would have been much better spent on Knight. The idea would be to get guys who kill lefties without wasting too many #'s. Knight wastes some but is still excellent even with that. Even Lansford would be much better than Merkle to complement Mincher.

As presently constituted your team probably should be in last place. It's hard to fix things once the season starts but you do have some trade bait with Aaron and maybe Parrish. If it were me I'd lose Boggs and Smith and get 2 lefties with some power. Or, if you must, keep Smith and with the money you get from Boggs get Clines or Kuntz to platoon with Smith in right. A good replacement for Boggs in your park would be Nettles.
Good luck and learn from your mistakes with this team. :D
The Last Druid
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Postby Palanion » Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:30 pm

My problem has always been on the road. I can always play well in Y56. This is my fifth attempt with this team (sort of). I added Aaron and Parrish in the middle my last season and they rocked. Parrish REALLY helps my pitching staff with his D, I have seen a difference in my pitching going from 3 seasons with May to 1+ with Carter/Parrish.

Smith was damn good for me for one season, and missed 40 games to inj in the next.....
Merkle is hitting great for me against LHP, which has been another bane for me.
You really wanna beat me, throw a LHP at me while I am on the road....

Boggs gives me a solid #2 hitter to bridge the gap from Morgan to the middle, but....

I would be tempted to dump Reggie Smith if there was something worth getting to play in CF.
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Postby sschu » Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:35 pm

I agree with Petro, your team is not well suited to the park, but you have some good players. In LH biased parks it is a good idea to look for high value players, Carlton is a great example of such an SP due to his 3 BPHRs on the RH side. Even LH hitters are what to look for. Your pitching, while not a great value, is OK. It is preferable to match your SPs to the opposition than to your park, 4 LHs is likely 2 too many. But stick with them.

It is in the field where your are especially vulnerable. Your lineup vs LH is not very good, Morgan, Boggs, Smith, Benji all fall off significantly vs LHs.


Norm Cash for Mincher/Merkle

Milt May or Bill Dickey (based upon dropping Boggs) for Parrish

3B is a real problem, limited good options other than Eddie Mathews or maybe Rolfe which are probably out of reach $$ wise. Nettles/Wera might not be a bad cheap option.

Find a good fielding CF, Dawson would work, and get rid of Reggie Smith, play Aaron in RF every day.

Benji is just too one-sided and has very low OBP, keep him, but get a cheap LH killer to platoon in pitchers parks against LHs such as Burke or J Alou (ha!)

Sorry, but it is a bit grim ....

Best of luck, sschu
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Postby crackerjaxon » Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:06 pm

Jackie Robinson at third if you drop Boggs. Better speed, fine OBP. Good clutch. He can lead off, bat second or fill the six hole.
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Postby Palanion » Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:26 pm

Some of these ideas are nice, except most of the mentioned players are not available.
This is my 7th attempt at Yankee 56, and I have a pretty good handle on the park and its effects on certain players.
I have never had a bad season (no platoon) from Oglivie. And my pitching is solid, though Leifield is annoying me right now.
I was not able to get Mathews (who I usually build my team around) or Cash. I have had Boog, but he was a mess. Mincher and Merkle are fine.
Aaron gives me a load of power (Y56 or not), particularly on the road. I am more than willing to dump Smith, but only if I can fix that spot in the order.
Smith is the only Switch or Lefty who can play CF who has hit well for me in this park, but he's killing me so far.

Believe me, in a perfect world, I would have had Musial and Mathews, rather than Boggs, Mincher and Merkle.
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