Franchise Theme League Revised.... NEEDS 3

Postby geekor » Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:58 am

1. ndowdy - St. Louis -- IN
2. geekor - NY Yankees -- IN
3. Fillies2 - Houston
4. sjkorte - Florida -- IN
5. Guachoboy - Dodgers
6. tomb4444- Minnesota -- IN
7. pczar - Detroit -- IN
8. Rant - Washington -- IN
9. Bobschwartz22 - LAA -- IN
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Postby Rant » Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:14 am

For clarity's sake, Geekor, can you confirm we're still playing:

DH, 80 million cap, standard 80% drop penalty. Must use your team's stadium.

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Postby geekor » Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:18 am

yes all of the above.
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Postby paul.czarnecki » Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:59 am

[quote:d46b55ca5c="geekor"]whether or not this gets off the ground, the rules are final.

There is no point in forcing people to have a min of their carded players, then tell them they can't use them all. It's contradictory.[/quote:d46b55ca5c]

That's not it at all. I'm saying that if a team doesn't value a player enough to keep them in their original draft list, they should be available to everyone when waivers start. Otherwise, people can just leave off their best carded players, see how the draft goes, and make changes after the fact.
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Postby rschwartz51 » Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:12 am

I understand the thought of simply making things final but the point of making players available if left off a draft list if they played for another team seems pretty valid. What is accomplished by allowing strong franchises to keep players offline.

I'm not in favor of making these players available as FA's.
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Postby geekor » Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:59 pm


I'm sorry I'm about to drop out of this.

Seriously, have none of you even played these franchise based themes before. I've played at [b:082c917931]least 2[/b:082c917931] in every 200x year. I hate to tell, the yanks have won once out of those. In fact Ndowdy and TomB and I used to run them in SOM football (RIP) and moved them over to baseball. The last one in 05 the Red Sox won, and no team had a record higher than 88 wins. Ndowdy posted how his other 06 one the Braves won, who arne't even drafted yet!!

All the freakin whining. Look what happens if Hou decides they want to try for a better CF, so then they dont draft Taveras. Can I then take him in waivers since he's less than 2 mil, even if Hou now wants him? Then how might he keep his minimum. It's stupid, carded players are yours, no more changes, that's the point of making a new thread so as people looking to join don't have to wade through all this garbage. Rules are set, period.
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Postby Rant » Wed Sep 27, 2006 4:06 pm


Just think of the possibilities if you join now ... Take the Padres:

Play in Petco with D. Lee + J. Bay, knocking in B. Giles.

Or talk about Murderers' Row, the Red Sox:

Play with D. Ortiz, M. Ramirez, and T. Clark

The possibilities are endless...
Last edited by Rant on Thu Sep 28, 2006 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby paul.czarnecki » Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:35 pm

Uh, correct me if I'm wrong but ndowdy started the thread so he's the one who decides if the rules are set, period. You're doing a pretty good job whining yourself.

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Postby Fillies 2 » Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:44 am

:cry: Sorry guys---Color me GONE! Enjoy!
Fillies 2
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Postby rschwartz51 » Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:16 pm

I'm dropping out too, primarily do to the Geekor message. I would recommend that Geekor look into my history with ATG prior to commenting if I along with others had any history with Franchise themes.

To make it short, I've commissioned a number of ATG Franchise Themes as well as 1969 Franchise Themes and they were quite fun though believe it or not they had different rules.

I would hope to play in the future with all of you in future leagues but I didn't like being told that rules were final, especially in my messages I made the observation that I was new to this league and I knew they were tired of changes.
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