by YountFan » Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:23 pm
This is the leage thread:
The poison for the vets have not been selected yet, but it will make it interesting. Read through the tread. Ask questions and try it out.
The rules:
Currently the following owners are newbies:
1- Massachusetts Midnight Riders - Yankee Stadium - MA
2- Honestiago - Somerset Bulldogs - Candlestick Park
3- Genevajack-Jack Murphy-Elmer Fudds
4- Jet40 - Milford Mashers- Kingdome
5 Chief78 - Tiger Stadium
6 RohnB - Busch Stadium - Team Name St. Louis Browns
Currently the veterans are:
2- Yount Fan
5-Seanreflex - NH
If anyone feels they are listed in the wrong spots, let me know. Hopefully we will have one more veteran joining so we will have 6 newbies and 6 vets. We will have a lottery based on a given nights Pick 3, therefore, for those that have not choosen a state yet, please copy and past the newbie and vet lists above and add your state. Rember only one state per owner.
The draft will work two folds, first since we will have hopefully 6 newbies and 6 vets, we will have three divisions of two newbies and two vets. Therefore the state draft will go from hi to low. The highest two vet totals go in the east, the next two highest vet totals in the Central, and the two lowest vet totals go in the West. The newbies will follow the same pattern.
As for the poison pill, only the vets will be subjected to them, and they will be given to a vet by another vet. This will be decided by the highest vet lottery total (i.e. Vet East Team #1) giving the third highest vet (i.e. Vet Central Team #1) total its poison pill and vice a versa. The 2nd hghest vet (East Tean #2) total will give to the fifth highest vet total (West Team #1) and vice-a-versa. And finally the fourth highest vet (Central Team #2) will give to the vet (West #2) with the lowest total. I'm sorry for this confusion, however this ensures that two teams in the same division will not be giving each other a posion pill.
The remaining rules, are basically this is a DH league, veteran players are required to answer any newbies questions and must give a brief explanation as to why they made a certain roster move. Basically the restt is regular TSN rules. BTW, there will be no raiding of vets teams, and the poison pills that were already mentioned in prior posts are just ideas, each individual vet owners is at liberty (within in reason of course) to come up with there poison pill to give to another owner.
Any further questions or comments, let me know.