handi league- central filled I'm west look in here for pw

Postby MEAT » Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:10 pm

atleast ive got two of the stadiums I missed out on in my division...which is clearly a power division no matter what arryl chooses...and we look forward to choosing the two players he'll have to live without in the second half.
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Postby rgimbel » Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:15 pm

yeah i wanted arod got cabrerra which is fine
wanted mm got wrigley which is fine
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Postby rgimbel » Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:27 pm

amended rules 01 Nov 2006 14:29


1. crazy 8's-your 2b ss and cf def ratings must be add up to 8 or more.you can use def subs but the starters must add up to 8.

2. Craig Dingmans- your closer must be under 1m doesnt have to be dingman. you can have other closers on your roster but they have to be c2 or less and the under 1m closer has to be set to close

3*. Matt Diaz's- one starter must be .59 or less you can use a platoon but both will have to be under .59 player or player must be 2 inj or less if platoon than only one but one has to play if the other goes down.

4*.brian lawrence- one starting pitcher must cost less than 1.00 if 5 man rotation than one less than 1.00 and one less than 1.50

5. 13- 3 staters postions must add up to 13 def ratings.again you can use def subs and platoons but both members of platoon must have same rating.

6. drop 2- After 81 games you can protect two players but the other 11 mgrs will vote on which two you must drop. you can pu any players to replace but the two players you drop become ineligible for you. your live pick is protected as well in this case d lee

7*. 77.0- no restrictions but you can only spend 77.0 m

8. inj team- 4 starting postions must have 2 inj or higher no starters can be 600 ab again you can platoon but both members of platoon must be 2 or higher

9*. no arms- all of and both c must have 0 or higher arms. at least two sp must have +hold ratings again you can have of on bench with - arms but they cant start. you can have a - arm in of but total of three must be +1 or higher if you have no - arms than total can be 0

10*. out of position- c and dh not included 4 of 7 other players must be out of positon

11. no speed- no player can have an A steal rating and all players in starting lineup must be 14 or below

12*. approve a trade- no restrictions but after 81 games you must agree to a trade with the team with the worst record. and if you are the worst team no trade has to made. trade will can include only one max player (over 6m) one 3.5-6m players with a max of 4 players total from the team with the handicap the worst team has no restrictions on his end again arod is not eligible for trade

exceptions to rules if a player is injured you still must list him as a starter but obviously his sub might not conform to your handicap. you can add drop your handicaped player for a new one that conforms with the rules
Interesting dec for first pick do you want a top player or is there a handicap that is less of a problem than the others
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Postby IrishJoe » Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:32 pm

1. terry 101 nm 953 - no speed (#11) - safeco
2. wirruerjubg fk 895 - matt diaz (#3) - us cellular
3. palmtana ca 684 - closer (#2) < 1Mil - Kaufmann
4. stoney ks 543 - (#4) Brian Lawrence - Petco
5. fillies md 503 - 77.0 mil no restrictions (#7) - PNC
6. giddyup81 ct 328 - (#5) 3 starters add up to 13 defensively - Rogers Centre
7. tpassalac az 259 - Injury Team (# - RFK
8. spicki17 va 246 - crazy 8's (#1) - bank one
9. joe ny 245 - no arms (#9) - Minute Maid
10. ArrylT 215 - D. Lee
11. hes meat il 189 ARod
12. rgimbel nj 105 m cabrera
13. rgimbel out of positon- wrigley
14. hes meat #12 Forced trade...citizen's bank
15. arrylt he said he could be skipped he gets 2 drops and whatever park he wants
16. joe - J. Santana
17. spicki17
18. tpassalac
19. giddyup
20. fillies
21. stoney
22. palmantana
23. worrierking
24. terry
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Postby rgimbel » Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:36 pm

and joe picks the perfect pitcher vs lee arod and cabrerra
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Postby MEAT » Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:39 pm

hopefully johan pitches the way he has for me....cruddy.
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Postby spicki17 » Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:39 pm

1. terry 101 nm 953 - no speed (#11) - safeco
2. wirruerjubg fk 895 - matt diaz (#3) - us cellular
3. palmtana ca 684 - closer (#2) < 1Mil - Kaufmann
4. stoney ks 543 - (#4) Brian Lawrence - Petco
5. fillies md 503 - 77.0 mil no restrictions (#7) - PNC
6. giddyup81 ct 328 - (#5) 3 starters add up to 13 defensively - Rogers Centre
7. tpassalac az 259 - Injury Team (# - RFK
8. spicki17 va 246 - crazy 8's (#1) - bank one
9. joe ny 245 - no arms (#9) - Minute Maid
10. ArrylT 215 - D. Lee
11. hes meat il 189 ARod
12. rgimbel nj 105 m cabrera
13. rgimbel out of positon- wrigley
14. hes meat #12 Forced trade...citizen's bank
15. arrylt he said he could be skipped he gets 2 drops and whatever park he wants
16. joe - J. Santana
17. spicki17 - rocket
18. tpassalac
19. giddyup
20. fillies
21. stoney
22. palmantana
23. worrierking
24. terry
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Postby rgimbel » Sat Nov 04, 2006 1:01 am

aieeeeeeee....gimbel, you KILLED me...that was suppossed to be a perfect match for AROD! ARRHGGGHHH!!!!!!

meat u had no shot at a-rod and out of position if you picked the handicap I would of picked a-rod but i might of picked drop two instead of trade
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Postby MEAT » Sat Nov 04, 2006 1:11 am

I can dream can't I? to come that close this late in the draft...decided I couldn't risk not getting arod.
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Postby rgimbel » Sat Nov 04, 2006 1:12 am

I thought a-rod might fall to me this will be my 26th team havent used him yet
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