by CHARLESBELL » Wed Nov 02, 2005 5:21 pm
no problem, durantjerry. You are still with us and a member of the blue party team. Only the red party has done a draft.
So you are free to draft any of the players on the hitters and pitchers blue party list in the first page of this thread, select a stadium from the blue party list, and draft your team.
I will be getting the league started shortly and will fill by division, east division first. Once east is full I will send the password to central division and so on.
As etdefender and novie have yet to check in there is no time limit for adding your teams, but I think everyone in the east and central divisions have checked in, which means even the west div teams will be able to enter as soon as central is filled. So everyone should be getting their teams ready. Will let everyone know as soon as I create the league.