by Mean Dean » Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:27 am
The problem isn't that it's a customer service question, the problem is that it isn't a Sporting News question :P But, I'll tell you anyway. The only thing you really need to get started is the latest version of the game, with "card image." That comes with the 2005 season (you have to wait for the next version, which won't come out until February '07, to get the '06 season.) The "card image" refers to the fact that, based on the SOM board game, each hitter and pitcher has a "card" that is used to determine the results of the plays. You don't need to worry about the cards if you just want to play a few games, but if you're going to get into the TSN game or even become an expert at the computer game, then you'll want the card images, since that's what it all boils down to.
Whether you want to get anything else depends entirely on how much a fan of historical baseball you are. If you have fond memories of a specific season, of course you can buy that particular one. And the career historical disk, which gives you "career" cards for every player in history, is a very good deal. But if you don't want to overwhelm yourself with information or financially, really, all you need to start off is the game with card image. (The "ratings disk" is also very useful if you're going to be playing TSN. That's a spreadsheet that sums up numerically how good the cards are.)