Just two owners needed to fill the league. $80m, DH, stadium must start with the letter (or one of the letters) from the group you choose, if at all possible. All players in your letter(s) group are yours exclusively for the entire season. No trading, no players outside of your letter group allowed. Name of the league is G-Man Challenge. It's PW protected. After you sign up, the PW will be sent to you via PT. Here are the remaining letter groups you can choose from, along with some of the more prominent players found in the group (There are some excellent groups available here :shock: ):
H (74 players) - Hubbell, W. Hernandez, Hornsby, K. Hernandez, Haller.
D (59 players) - D. Dean, Demaree, Dimaggios, Doerr, Dickey.
L (55 players) - B. Lemon, Leifield, Lombardi, Luzinski.
P (51 players) - Pfiester, Perranoski, Pesky, B. Powell.
K & N (38 + 22 = 60 players) - Koufax, Kaat, Keller, Koosman, Newhouser.
:shock: I + J + Q + U + V + Y + Z (1 + 33 + 4 + 3 + 6 + 8 + 4 = 59 players) - W. Johnson, R. Jackson, J. Jackson, C. Jones, Quisenberry, E. Valentine, C. Young, Yaz, Yount, York, Zachary.
Sign up under the G-Man Challenge thread, along with the letter group of your choice. :)