Paging WARRIOR510 & Hooner11 For Keeper League

Postby Page2 » Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:48 am

Hi keyzick,

1. Which ballpark did Bunbury have? He had Bank One Ballpark. The last time we had a new owner it was voted to have the new owner play in the old owners park. We could revote on that, I would hate to have the league not fill because we couldn't match up a new owner with a park. But the last time it was voted on the old park was to remain. So no firm answer for you on that one.

2. When do people submit their keeper list? Again not a real firm answer here at least a week after the new cards have come out. That way everyone has a chance to look over the cards, the salaries and the like.

3. Is it with or without DH? This one is easy, its with the DH.

4. Any other details? The only other thing that I can think of off the top of my head is that the draft is run on the boards and we have 30 minutes to make our picks. The times that you will be picking are posted the night before and the other owners have been very good about making the picks for you (if you send them a list of proxies or just post proxies on the board). If you don't list a proxy you will be skipped and have to wait until the owner picking in that time slot picks. Don't be scared off by the 30 minute time between picks it runs smoothly and is usually done in 3-4 days.

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Postby AFDickie » Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:39 pm

Sign up to replace Bunbury:
1. keyzick

Alt. List
1. Deelyo (My preference is for Hooner 11's team, but will take any of them)
2. AF Dickie - Warriors team-now that geekor is back but if he drops I want his team-Geekor always setups a good squad. I knew this going in blind! 8)

P.S. What is the salary cap and what stadium did warrior play in?
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Postby Page2 » Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:39 pm

Hi AF Dickie,

80 mil. cap and WARRIOR played in Dodger Stadium.

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Postby DARRENLYONS » Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:20 pm

Hey, Page 2,

Where does Hooner11's team play its home games?

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Postby AFDickie » Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:23 pm

O.K. thanks-80mil is good for his squad
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Postby Page2 » Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:27 pm

Hi Deelyo,

Hooner11's team plays in Great American Ballpark.

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Postby geekor » Fri Feb 23, 2007 5:20 pm

This link should help anyone looking:

Though I've been surprised every year by some of the players let go!
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Postby Page2 » Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:33 pm

Here is the draft order for this coming year:

Team Owner Wins
Cherokee Scalpers the splinter 69
High Desert Mavericks Bunbury 71*replaced by Keyzick
High Plains Drifters Page2 75
Stupid Dumbass geekor 77
Heffer's Clydesdales Hooner 80**holding for Deelyo
Eternal Keepers WARRIOR 81***holding for AF Dickie
Stone Mountain Rebels thegrayman 83
Windy City Nythawks nythawk 84
Velvet Underground Jack 86
Continental Slumpbusterlumbercompany south 86
Hoboken Train Wreck sykes25 87
So Cal Runnin Rebs Smackk 93

Also I have had a little time to go over past standings, below are the average wins for each team still in the league (total is rounded up) also, the results from the championships:

Team Owner Wins
Hoboken Train Wreck sykes25 93
So Cal Runnin Rebs Smackk 91
Velvet Underground Jack 90
Cherokee Scalpers the splinter 84
Heffer's Clydesdales Hooner 82
Stone Mountain Rebels thegrayman 82
Windy City Nythawks nythawk 82
High Plains Drifters Page2 81
Continental Slumpbuster lumbercompany south 76
Eternal Keepers WARRIOR 75
Stupid Dumbass geekor 72
High Desert Mavericks Bunbury 64

Finals:(Note years listed are the actual years of the stats on the card)
Scalpers 1
Donkeys 4

Runnin Rebs 0
Scalpers 4

Runnin Rebs 1
Train Wreck 4

Remember we will kick off about a week after the cards come out online so everyone has a chance to look at the prices of their players.
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Cool! Thanks!

Postby DARRENLYONS » Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:58 pm

Ready to go! Thanks.

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I am so sorry,

Postby BigAlric » Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:58 pm

but I just saw this thread for the first time. Can I still have my team or is it too late?
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