by fred_1_15301 » Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:52 pm
[quote:377df90d76="Puckin Drunk"]21 games into the new year and just dominating up to this point
A lot of people were critical of this team, but so far so good.
Off to a 15-6 start...waiting for the roof to cave in.
I am averaging almost an error a game, which is not good, but I have hit 57 homers in the first week. Next closest team has 34.
On pace for 440 homers....obviously that won't happen, but still should hit over 300 for the year if everyone stays relatively healthy.
I love this team so far......[/quote:377df90d76]
I'm in your league....very impressive start. I"m also off to a pretty good start and our overall run differential is very close (we're both in top 3 in pitching and hitting). Just keep in mind, we're only 21 games in :wink: . I've had a few teams start off hot and seemingly "run out of gas" by midseason. ETA speaking of "running out of gas", with my 5th loss in a row perhaps my team has already begun the plunge :cry: