Team Experiement Comments Welcome

Team Experiement Comments Welcome

Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Thu May 17, 2007 7:24 am

This was an "experiment" for me, so please fire away with comments now that the season has started.

1. What's wrong with this team?
2. What's right with this team?

I'll give my reasons for additional commentary after I read yours. ;)


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Postby durantjerry » Thu May 17, 2007 7:47 am

To me, you are severely short of LH, both hitters and pitchers. I know the dimensions only slightly favor LH, but your LH hitters are bad. Tex is just not that good in SOMO in 2007, Dunn is doing well, but again, not that good a player, leaving you with Hudson, Mack and Vizquel batting LH vs rhp's. I would only try Tex in a hitting park. Where's the good hitters? I would at least have another LH starter or two, even to just matchup at home(Moyer?). If not that, I would have a LH closer. I think the problem is all your players are mediocre. You don't really even have any of the good mid-range hitters-Vlad, Tejada, etc. I guess Holiday apllies there, but that's not enough. Sanchez only good if facing more than you share of LH. I actually wrote this before looking at your hitting splits, and you are AWFUL vs rhp's. More good players are needed.
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Postby the splinter » Thu May 17, 2007 7:53 am

Without knowing the other parks/ key players in your division all answers are incomplete...

Short of Sheets and Mahay and maybe Bonderman I don't like any of your pitchers regardless of the parks. Glavine is meat on a stick.

Of course your D is excellent with the exception of the corner OF....but you can get by with that(but a 4 in RF can hurt bad!).

These are the guys I don't like and why.

Tex...decent card but you could have saved a million plus with Helton/Overbay/Gonzo and not lost at the plate.

Sanchez...unless you are facing at least 1 or more LHSP every night he costs too much. You could have saved another million or more with a platoon of Lowell and either J. Smith/Bell/or Punto

Wells.... another good card but bad for your park....Maybe Matthews Jr instead or a platoon of Baldelli and Kotsay/Taveras/Sullivan. This would have saved 2 million.

Dunn...I don't get him at all. I understand the need for natural LH power but he just stinks. With the $ you could have saved I would say Ibanez would have served better. Either would have been ideal, letting Holiday go to DH.

Now you can tell me this team won 90+ and is in the finals
the splinter
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Postby keyzick » Thu May 17, 2007 8:07 am


Your pitching looks ok, although I think it's spread out too much. I didn't look at FAs available in your league, but if you can get to 4 * SPs I'd go with that. Keep Schilling, pick up guys like Myers and Robertson if they're available. They can do great in a pitchers park like RFK. Make your 5th a throwaway extreme guy if you need it (maybe Paul Byrd)...or one who can be an extreme reliever (Rheinecker).

I like Duchserer, although I prefer C5 or C6 out of closers. The other relievers are ok, although I'd ditch Mahay for a cheaper, more extreme LHP.


I like Vizquel, Holliday and I-Rod. The rest could be adjusted to cheaper, more balanced and ballpark appropriate players. Wells and Tex are way too overpriced, IMO, so you could get rid of them and have a lot of cash to play with. Hudson ok, but I think you can get a better rounded 2b without sacrificing much on defense. Definitely need power, and Dunn is a cheap solution, but not the best.

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Postby visick » Thu May 17, 2007 8:15 am

Gotta agree with these guys. :lol:

Just eyeballing this team, I thought semi-hard RH's would dominate you. Then it was confirmed when I checked your R/L splits.

Dunn/Wells and Teix are hitting park guys. Dunn really shouldn't see ANY playing time in 2007.
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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Thu May 17, 2007 8:28 am

Okay, there are the negative comments ... anyone have anything "Good" to say? :wink:
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Postby keyzick » Thu May 17, 2007 9:09 am

Schilling, Duchserer, Vizquel, Holliday, I-Rod....pitching ok but needs adjusting....all were comments to what's good about the team... :D
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Thu May 17, 2007 9:10 am

you don't post teams here expecting "good" comments!!! :shock: :D
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Postby the splinter » Thu May 17, 2007 9:29 am

I said your D was excellent. :)
the splinter
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Postby keyzick » Thu May 17, 2007 9:37 am

Why do I feel like we're part of a social experiment/analysis?

hmmmm.... :shock:
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