Avoid Using Before "X" Inning

Avoid Using Before "X" Inning

Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:25 pm

I've been seeing a lot of helping posts suggesting to select some pitchers as "Avoid Using Before "X" Inning."

I recall reading in the newbie guide .... or some helpful posts... it said that only one pitcher can select the "avoid using before X inning"

ergo .... you can't have two or more pitcehrs select the same setting to avoid!

Can anyone else confirm this????


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Postby wavygravy2k » Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:32 pm

I think it's set this way to help avoid the "super reliever pitcher" dilemma. In previous seasons, managers where able to use at least one stud reliever to work in relief.
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Postby Mean Dean » Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:42 pm

IIRC, it used to be that you could set only one person to "avoid before 9th" and only one to "avoid before 8th." Now, if I'm not mistaken, there is no "avoid before 9th," you can only set two people to "avoid before 8th," and that is the only restriction.

However, it's not smart to set these settings on everybody, just because the computer will run out of options and start doing various stupid things. The two "avoid before 8th"s are really all you should need, and you may not even need those because carrying two bum relievers ain't such a great idea to begin with.
Mean Dean
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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:10 pm

So can I set more than 1 to Avoid Using Before the 6th w/o any stupid HAL moves?
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Postby Mean Dean » Wed Jun 13, 2007 4:12 pm

Ehh, I wouldn't. It's not a question of "stupid HAL moves", it's a question of straitjacketing what he can do. If the starter gets knocked out, one reliever is the closer, another is the setup guy, two others are set to avoid one side or the other with a quick hook, and two more are set not to use before the 6th... who's he supposed to bring into the 3rd inning? The fewer things you can manage to set, the better. But, you can try it.
Mean Dean
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