by blsmith7 » Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:14 pm
I offered Loney and Church for Bradley and Granderson and got this response - "No way, my 2 players are better than your 2, how is that helping me?"
If you look at the stats from our first season - Loney was obviously the best and both my guys are having good seasons again this year. Bradley is a major injury risk and Granderson is a one way player (who Watts said was available for cheap). Is the offer perfect? I think it's a fair offer, but at the very least it's a good starting point. I also made an offer to Watt's earlier for Drew and got a similar short, terse response. Neither time have I received any kind of counter offer.
Watts - your not going to be getting any more offers if this is how you act as a GM. In another keeper league, I just made a trade that went back and forth for two days until we had an agreement on a three for three deal, with each of us making counter proposals. That is how it is done.