Only took 61 trys to get my first 100 win team!$&#!$

Only took 61 trys to get my first 100 win team!$&#!$

Postby mbrake » Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:21 pm

I've had 99 wins a couple of times, but I never thought 100 would be so hard. Almost got 400 homers, but no cigar!
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Postby visick » Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:32 pm

You did this with Uggla AND Peralta up the middle?

geez... :?
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Postby STEPHENANDERSON 2 » Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:47 pm

Struck out a few times also looks like
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:05 pm

First off congratulations on the 100 win season! They seem very,very rare. I would never even think to make this a goal (of mine). My goal always starts with; just making the playoffs,whether it is as a 84 win wild card team, or a 95 win division title. Then, if and when I make the playoffs my goal switches to winning the championship. I do not care if this is done with a 84 win wild card team. But it is most impressive that you accomplished this! Especially with infield butchers Uggla and Peralta up the middle! Kudos to you! However luck is ALWAYS involved(win or lose)! Keep on keeping on!
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Postby robwrjr » Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:14 pm

Also, you got real lucky w/Beltran... I have never seen him hit that many dingers for a season.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:52 am

Someone said[quote:2eeb45a390]Also, you got real lucky w/Beltran... I have never seen him hit that many dingers for a season[/quote:2eeb45a390]

Come on guys....luck is always involved, but geez can't we give this guy a little credit . What is wrong with saying, "Congratulations." He may have had some luck, but who hasn't when they won 100 games? That is the nature of the game of baseball(and SOM baseball for that matter). And if he did not draft and manage well, he would not have won 100 games no matter how lucky he got. So enjoy it. It may take you another 61 teams to do it again(especially because you got so lucky....I'm only kidding)!
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Re: Only took 61 trys to get my first 100 win team!$&#!$

Postby kenhutchings » Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:32 pm

[quote:c920378b0e="mbrake"]Almost got 400 homers, but no cigar![/quote:c920378b0e]

What impresses me is that your team's batters got twice as many homeruns as your pitchers surrendered (383 vs. 187). WOW!! :o
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My impression

Postby WGullett » Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:28 am

Congratulations. I just had my first 100 win(103) team. This took me about 30 teams.

My impressions of your team is that Im amazed it happened after the big trades you made. Trading Sabatthia midseason with a losing record is one thing but you traded Javier Vasquez who was 13 and 6 at the time you traded him. THAT takes balls. More times than not trading someone weakens your team. It has to, you are having to pay a price for the trade. Many veterans refuse to trade. They sit on the players they picked and use that info for the next teams. Myself, I will trade and even had a pitcher(Addie Joss in ATG 3) go 17-1 after I picked him up. Most of the time it doesnt work but then again, the guys you trade arent doin it for you anyway.

I also noticed your team had a pretty good last half of the season. Starting 5-9 and 21-17 made a 100 win season tough. My 103 win team started out 19-5, was 41-13 after 54 games, 75-33 after 108 games, but only went 28-26 the last 3rd of the season. Halfway through the year I was cautiously optimistic about the alltime record of 111. I tried to not think about the record because I knew that even if I did win 115 games if I didnt win any playoff games I could be left holding the bag with 115 wins but no credits. Thankfully I won the championship and the credits which is the most important. Anyway, congratulations.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:58 am

WGullett said:[quote:9eb2812d01]More times than not trading someone weakens your team. It has to, you are having to pay a price for the trade. Many veterans refuse to trade. [/quote:9eb2812d01]

I traded John Lackey,Brandon Phillips,Shane Victorino,Bobby Seay,and Colome for Alex Rios,Josh Beckett,Kaz Matsui,Damseo Marte,and Scott Shields. It was actually two trades made the same day about one third into the season. I am now in the championship with that team. Even though Beckett lost something like 23 games(17 for me). I may not be exactly a veteran, but if the deal is there ....and fair, I will make it! Good luck to everyone who reads this. And congratulations to the plus 100 win teams! By the way; my team's championship starts tonight. I hope Beckett can redeem himself. Aaron Harang won 24 games with a sub .300 ERA yet I am starting Tim Hudson in the Series opener. The starting pitching really carried my team! We won only 86 games for a wild card. The winner of my division is the team I am facing in the Championship. For what it is worth(not much) I had a better run diff. than he had.
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Postby keyzick » Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:27 pm

Don't wanna put words in his mouth, but I think WGullett was reffering to free agent pick ups during the season (ie, you lose money when doing an in-season add/drop).

It's kinda tough to make trades since it gets really difficult to make it fit both teams' salary caps. Pitcher/hitter swaps are usually the one's that are easiest to work out though.

Congrats mbrake!!
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