by KEVINEHLE » Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:26 pm
1. Puckin Drunk IN
2. Frank M - IN
3. Visick -IN
4. fowldawg - IN
5. Doc Tax IN
6. keyzick - IN
7. Ehlekev
8. Durantjerry
9. ArrylT
10. Jeep
11. Ehlekev
Sorry Bodie, I haven't been checking in on this board for awhile. It's hard enough to lose in my other leagues! Now I have to bust my a** putting together another losing team. This is all very hard work!! :shock:
**Wow, by the way, this is definitely a familiar looking group in this league.
BTW, what am I going to do without Papelbon??!! :shock: Can we make an exception so I can have Paps? :cry: :cry: :cry: