The Citizen's Bank Bombers League-Full thanks

Postby ArrylT » Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:01 pm

1. Puckin Drunk IN
2. Frank M - IN
3. Visick -IN
4. fowldawg - IN
5. Doc Tax IN
6. keyzick - IN
7. Ehlekev
8. Durantjerry
9. ArrylT
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Postby Jeepdriver » Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:14 am

1. Puckin Drunk IN
2. Frank M - IN
3. Visick -IN
4. fowldawg - IN
5. Doc Tax IN
6. keyzick - IN
7. Ehlekev
8. Durantjerry
9. ArrylT
10. Jeep
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sun Jul 27, 2008 12:52 pm

Good to have you guys on board, should be fun

Now just need 2 and Kev to check in to fill er up, then we can start bashing the ball out of the park and enjoy those ERA's to be in the 8.00 range.

I will check later and put up some of the numbers from the last couple of years so we have something to compare.

All I know is that it was fun seeing the box scores of those 20-18 shootouts.....and I think there were quite a few shutouts or complete games too which was bewildering.

Anyway, good to have you guys and your bats.

KEV....Where are you!!
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sun Jul 27, 2008 1:13 pm

Don't know if this will show the right link or not:

But this is last year's league stats sorted by team......I forgot that I won last year...I swear.

Nice 7-0 in the playoffs. I did finish with the best record, but was in no way the homer hitting team I was hoping for:

There were 5 teams with over 400 homers and as you hopefully can see there were 11 shutouts and 97 complete games for the league with a league ERA of 7.03 and WHIP leage average of 1.72
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sun Jul 27, 2008 1:21 pm

I guess I should share that last year we played at US Cell, and in 2005 we all played at Coors

Here are team stats for 2005

Suprised that there were 15 shutouts and less complete games

Fun to see the numbers
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Postby keyzick » Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:53 pm

These links just pull up some of my old leagues and not the one's you're referencing... :(

I have no idea how you're supposed to do it though, so hopefully someone else can chime in on how to link those leagues...
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Postby Palmtana » Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:22 pm

To see the league, someone who was in the league can:

1. Find the league in your past teams list.
2. Click on your team from the leagues Statistics page and note the team ID number at the end of the URL.

Go to [url=]berce[/url]

3. Hover over [i:4ae670d71e]2006[/i:4ae670d71e] (if PD meant the 2005 cards)and select [i:4ae670d71e]View Team and Division[/i:4ae670d71e]
4. Put the team ID in the [i:4ae670d71e]User ID[/i:4ae670d71e] box at top right
5. Click [i:4ae670d71e]division[/i:4ae670d71e]

You could post the team ID number here for others to view the league.

For those not aware, like me until geekor informed me otherwise, berce is working for the new 2007 game.
Just use the ATGIII menu
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Postby keyzick » Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:55 am

1. Puckin Drunk IN
2. Frank M - IN
3. Visick -IN
4. fowldawg - IN
5. Doc Tax IN
6. keyzick - IN
7. Ehlekev
8. Durantjerry
9. ArrylT
10. Jeep

Posts: 55
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:26 pm

1. Puckin Drunk IN
2. Frank M - IN
3. Visick -IN
4. fowldawg - IN
5. Doc Tax IN
6. keyzick - IN
7. Ehlekev
8. Durantjerry
9. ArrylT
10. Jeep
11. Ehlekev

Sorry Bodie, I haven't been checking in on this board for awhile. It's hard enough to lose in my other leagues! Now I have to bust my a** putting together another losing team. This is all very hard work!! :shock:

**Wow, by the way, this is definitely a familiar looking group in this league.
BTW, what am I going to do without Papelbon??!! :shock: Can we make an exception so I can have Paps? :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Postby keyzick » Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:30 pm

I have the most kick-a** draft card just rearin' to go! Where's that last manager??? I need to unleash my draft card on the SOM gods!!!
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