Berkman or Teixeira ... or Adrian Gonzalez?

Postby visick » Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:43 am

How many RH's are you going to see?
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Postby keyzick » Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:05 am

My preferences would be:

1. Berkman (best in the hitter parks, better v righties than Tex and typically see 2/3 righties anyway)
2. Gonzalez (better than Tex v righties and better in your home park)
3. Tex

None of them would do your wrong, but that would be my preference order to best fit your situation. If it was all pitchers parks, I might flip flop Berkman and Gonzalez. Likewise, if you had a bunch of lefties, Tex might jump up higher.
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Postby visick » Wed Aug 13, 2008 11:03 am

[u:2cd5581250]vs. RH's:[/u:2cd5581250]

Berkman: 17.2 Hit chances/39.9 OB chances/36.3 TB chances/5.2 HR chances/ max. BPHR's

Teix: 20.6 hit/35.6 OB/ 46.9 TB/ 7 HR chances/ max BPHR's/ + clutch

Gonzo: 25.5 hit/ 33.5 OB/ 45.7 TB/ 3.8 HR/ 7 BPHR's/ + clutch

[u:2cd5581250]vs. LH's:[/u:2cd5581250]

Berkman: 16.6 H / 35.7 OB / 27.1 TB/ 2.3 HR / 3 BPHR's

Teix: 31.9 H /49.8 OB / 50.4 TB/ 2.5 HR / 3 BPHR's

Gonzo: 22.2 H / 31.2 OB / 41.7 TB / 3.8 HR / 7 BPHR's

[i:2cd5581250]for your perusal...[/i:2cd5581250] :D
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:59 pm

Keyzick said[quote:9458762ac2]
1. Berkman (best in the hitter parks, better v righties than Tex and typically see 2/3 righties anyway)
2. Gonzalez (better than Tex v righties and better in your home park)
3. Tex [/quote:9458762ac2]

The numbers do not support what Keyzick said! If you can afford it, Texaira is by far the best!
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Postby keyzick » Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:56 pm

Umm....based on the numbers, I have certain preferences. I didn't say that it was a iron-clad fact.

I've had both Berkman and Tex on plenty of teams (separately of course), and I've seen Berkman overperform and Tex underperform more often than not.

Incidentally - on the Catchers front...Saltalamachia (sp?) has been absolutely incredible as a platoon against righties, on 4 of my teams (in both hitter and pitchers parks). His card definitely doesn't support it, so at times I think HAL may be prone to favoring certain dice rolls (glitch???)....don't know how else to explain such a defying of the odds.

So in essence, a combination of the card and experience formed my preferences.

I know the cards are based on probabilities and it should be strictly a statistical call, but HAL may be playing with a weighted deck.
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Postby Jerlins » Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:32 pm

How about none of the above? Youkilis and Helton are available and in my opinion a much better fit for your park and divisional opponents SP's. Youkilis would be top of the list. Your park kills lefty power, and the lefties in the division, coupled with my reverse RH's might be a death knell combo to all three you've mentioned. But if you must choose one of the three, I'd go with Teixiera (and no, I wouldn't pick up Berkman if you did) (well, maybe I would 8-) 8-))
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Postby keyzick » Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:21 pm

Yeah, Berkman!! won't regret it...well...maybe...but if you do, you didn't hear it from me.
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Postby keyzick » Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:56 am

Holy cow was I off! I must have been overly disappointed in the .252 season from Tex. I can't even support my own argument :lol:

6 seasons from Tex and it selective memory on my part...why the heck did I think I had Berkman playing like superman!??!

0.292/0.387/0.562 31 HR 93 RBI
0.278/0.350/0.536 38/107
0.252/0.327/0.504 30/86

0.218/0.312/0.398 27/73
0.280/0.369/0.530 37/105
0.232/0.333/0.448 32/83
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