Tell me I am crazy...please

Tell me I am crazy...please

Postby RICHARDMILTER » Wed Aug 13, 2008 3:07 pm

Do you think it is weird that one team released, Barry Bonds(5th pick),Frankie Morales(10th pick),Jamie Burke(18th pick),and Mark Reynolds(24th pick) just two days after our live draft, and all those players got picked up by the same team? They were not all dropped at the same exact time, yet the were all dropped by one team and immediately picked up by another team(the same team in all four cases). I asked the one manager why he dropped Bonds, and he replied that he made a button pushing mistake.
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Postby geekor » Wed Aug 13, 2008 3:12 pm

You can send in a request SOM and they can see if they logged in via the same IP. not sure if they will do it, but who knows. I've been lucky that in all my time here I've never gotten into a league where these kinds of things happen.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Wed Aug 13, 2008 3:24 pm

Thanks for the tip! I am not exactly accusing anyone of collusion, but there have been several weird happenings in this league. When I mentioned that dropping Bonds two days after the draft was weird, I was told that a mistake was made and that he feels bad enough without my ,"calling him out" on his mistake. I did not exactly , "call him out". I merely mentioned that it was weird. He replied that I called him stupid, which I never,ever did! Then when I investigated further I came across three more players dropped by the same team and picked up by the same team that got Bonds. Maybe the one manager was watching the waiver wire like a hawk, and got really lucky. Maybe I have too much time on my hands. Maybe I should just drop it. Does anyone else have an opinion?
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Postby visick » Wed Aug 13, 2008 3:59 pm

OK...I'll bite. You're crazy.
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Postby TefJ » Wed Aug 13, 2008 4:00 pm

I'm in that league too, rmilter, and I'm pretty sure this isn't a case of collusion (though you might as well follow geekor's suggestion of contacting TSN). The actual gain to the Bashers (the team doing the picking up) is far, far less than the loss to the team doing the dropping. He has Posada, so the upgrade from Buck (who he had) to Burke isn't that huge. He has Cabrera at third and Kelly Johnson and Jeff Kent at 2nd, so Reynolds is basically primarily a backup. Bonds will start as DH vs righties, but he has Holliday and Braun, so there's really no room for him vs lefties. Also, you'll note he picked up K-Rod just after you dropped him, as evidence that he's just paying attention. I could be wrong, but it doesn't seem like collusion to me. His team certainly has a very high monetary value, the good news is, a lot of the value he added was in his backups, which, while important, might not make enough of a difference. Anyway, just my 2 cents. I do wish I was in the Central instead of our division, though.....
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Postby Tboo13 » Wed Aug 13, 2008 4:41 pm

Ok - Your crazy and paranoid, but that is OK

WP - Your analysis was 'Dead On' although I think it is kind of cool that I am in the center of this controversy. I was on at 5:00 pm and jumped on the free agents. Yes - I was watching like a hawk, just like most owners do during free agent frenzy even in a live draft league with not as much normally available. Again, your analysis on the players I picked up was right on target. I got very lucky that Bonds was dropped (even if it was a mistake) and will use him as my DH. But now, where do I play Braun??? Only as a DH against lefties and then must sit Bonds so although it helps, it does not drastically improve my team. I just wanted to make sure no one else snatched him up and used him against me :) Plus Bonds is injury prone and Braun could get hit with a 15 gamer (which has happened to me in another league) so it is nice insurance. Reynolds is only a back-up and hopefully will not have to be used much but he qualifies at a couple positions so I added him. Buck for Burke was based on average only and was a wash. Morales, I was also happy to get. Nice upgrade over a $2MM + pitcher. I had no idea the same guy dropped all those players and I was too busy picking them up then determining who dropped them. Maybe I should send him a Christmas card. Good luck to all in that league. Sorry if I offended anyone but I was just jumping on the opportunities that were presented to me and everyone else in the league.
By the way, for you conspiracy theorists out there, knock yourself out on trying to see if I have multiple teams, screen names, passwords, wives, girlfriends, etc. Unfortunately, I am only one owner with one team in that league and one wife but NO girlfriends!!! If that was the case, I would have no time for this!!
Take Care
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:44 pm

My bad, I was under the assumption that Bonds would help your team. I guess I was wrong. So maybe if he will not help your team you could give him back to the guy who made the "mistake". Also what about Frankie Morales? He is your second best SP. Does he not help your team???? And I have been watching the waiver wire quit frequently myself, strange how none of these players fell into my lap,or anyone else's. I would love to see the time line of the drops, and pick ups! Your defensiveness only makes it look more suspicious to me!
Last edited by RICHARDMILTER on Wed Aug 13, 2008 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:51 pm

You make it seem like you picked up all his players at the same time. That is not the case!!!! I have been checking the waiver wire about every 15 minutes for several days. Either way this shakes out, I will make sure I am never in a league with this draft format again! Or the managers in question!
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:59 pm

How dumb of me to think that a Braun/Bonds platoon could barely make you much better. That is a great argument . I have almost no doubt now. Your reaction has just about settled it in my mind. Why would you even argue that you only got a little better. Why wouldn't you be completely outraged at almost being called a cheater???????????????? Karma has a way of working things out!
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Wed Aug 13, 2008 6:20 pm

Socalchiro said[quote:ef725ced35]OK...I'll bite. You're crazy.[/quote:ef725ced35]

Maybe I am crazy. But I wonder if Socalchiro would have the same reaction if this was happening in one of his leagues?

I have purchased a great many credits over the last year and a half. But why should TSN care IF people are purchasing two teams in the SAME league under different names? They still make the same amount of money. And my couple hundred bucks will not effect them either way. So I guess my only option is to start using my CD-ROM version of the game(once my credits are gone),and form leagues of my own. This whole thing has left a very bitter taste in my mouth. And for people to think that there are no cheaters out there whatsoever is very naive. Good bye and good luck!
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