by RICHARDMILTER » Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:02 am
[size=18:7989d42c57][/size:7989d42c57]tboo13said[quote:7989d42c57]Ok - Your crazy and paranoid, but that is OK
WP - Your analysis was 'Dead On' although I think it is kind of cool that I am in the center of this controversy. I was on at 5:00 pm and jumped on the free agents. Yes - I was watching like a hawk, just like most owners do during free agent frenzy even in a live draft league with not as much normally available. Again, your analysis on the players I picked up was right on target. I got very lucky that Bonds was dropped (even if it was a mistake) and will use him as my DH. But now, where do I play Braun??? Only as a DH against lefties and then must sit Bonds so although it helps, it does not drastically improve my team. I just wanted to make sure no one else snatched him up and used him against me Smile Plus Bonds is injury prone and Braun could get hit with a 15 gamer (which has happened to me in another league) so it is nice insurance. Reynolds is only a back-up and hopefully will not have to be used much but he qualifies at a couple positions so I added him. Buck for Burke was based on average only and was a wash. Morales, I was also happy to get. Nice upgrade over a $2MM + pitcher. I had no idea the same guy dropped all those players and I was too busy picking them up then determining who dropped them. Maybe I should send him a Christmas card. Good luck to all in that league. Sorry if I offended anyone but I was just jumping on the opportunities that were presented to me and everyone else in the league.
By the way, for you conspiracy theorists out there, knock yourself out on trying to see if I have multiple teams, screen names, passwords, wives, girlfriends, etc. Unfortunately, I am only one owner with one team in that league and one wife but NO girlfriends!!! If that was the case, I would have no time for this!!
Take Care[/quote:7989d42c57]
If someone suggested that I may have been involved in controlling the transactions of two teams in the same league, I would not tell him that those transactions barely helped my team. I would be outraged that I was being accused of these charges. Hopefully the truth will come to light. And if I am crying wolf where none exists, I will apologize. But where there is this type of smoke, fire should be investigated! Why would one team release their 5th,10th,18th,and 24th picks two days after the draft? And why would one team, and one team only somehow be on line at the exact time and be able to pick up all these players. Also the players were not all released at the same time. They where released over the course of several hours.