Tell me I am crazy...please

Postby Tboo13 » Wed Aug 13, 2008 6:31 pm

No more comments needed - Your classless and a sore loser!!!!
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Postby coyote303 » Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:30 pm

The verdict is in: Not crazy

Glad I'm not in this league!
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Postby thisisray » Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:17 pm

Last edited by thisisray on Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Tboo13 » Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:29 pm

To all the moderators out there that run this site (or anyone else out there that thinks collusion is going on in this league) please perform (or request to perform) a complete and thorough investigation immediately. And for all you talking collusion please request one also. Quit yaking and making assumptions and take action.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:21 am

I greatly appreciate the people who said I am not crazy for wondering about these strange happenings! My faith in this community is restored! Maybe I am crying wolf were none exists, but I have long suspected that there are cheats out there.

As far as," tboo13", calling me a sore loser; I have lost nothing,. yet. We will see who is the loser, and who is the winner when we meet on the field. May the best manager win!

And as far as asking TSN to investigate these matters; I think I will do so, even though I am sure they have better things to do. And I do not wish to be known as a trouble maker. Anyone who has ever played in a league with me would probably testify to the fact that I play by the rules, and I am gracious win, or lose! In a 1986 league I am presently in; during the first round of that draft, one manager passed on Kirby Puckett thinking he had already been taken. I offered more than once to stop the draft , back up ,and let him take Puckett. This is a FACT that could be checked by looking at the message boards of the ,"One Player Per Team 1986 Draft". As always I really appreciate all comments and opinions from this community(even if I am disagreed with). One last thing; I guess I have implied that "tboo13" MAY have cheated. The facts would suggest that it is possible. However sometimes the facts get in the way of the truth. And if I am wrong, I will be man enough to admit to it,and apologize to "tboo13". He does not have to accept my apology. If someone ,"almost" accused me of cheating I would be pretty ticked off. Hopefully the truth will come to light!
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:02 am

[size=18:7989d42c57][/size:7989d42c57]tboo13said[quote:7989d42c57]Ok - Your crazy and paranoid, but that is OK

WP - Your analysis was 'Dead On' although I think it is kind of cool that I am in the center of this controversy. I was on at 5:00 pm and jumped on the free agents. Yes - I was watching like a hawk, just like most owners do during free agent frenzy even in a live draft league with not as much normally available. Again, your analysis on the players I picked up was right on target. I got very lucky that Bonds was dropped (even if it was a mistake) and will use him as my DH. But now, where do I play Braun??? Only as a DH against lefties and then must sit Bonds so although it helps, it does not drastically improve my team. I just wanted to make sure no one else snatched him up and used him against me Smile Plus Bonds is injury prone and Braun could get hit with a 15 gamer (which has happened to me in another league) so it is nice insurance. Reynolds is only a back-up and hopefully will not have to be used much but he qualifies at a couple positions so I added him. Buck for Burke was based on average only and was a wash. Morales, I was also happy to get. Nice upgrade over a $2MM + pitcher. I had no idea the same guy dropped all those players and I was too busy picking them up then determining who dropped them. Maybe I should send him a Christmas card. Good luck to all in that league. Sorry if I offended anyone but I was just jumping on the opportunities that were presented to me and everyone else in the league.
By the way, for you conspiracy theorists out there, knock yourself out on trying to see if I have multiple teams, screen names, passwords, wives, girlfriends, etc. Unfortunately, I am only one owner with one team in that league and one wife but NO girlfriends!!! If that was the case, I would have no time for this!!
Take Care[/quote:7989d42c57]

If someone suggested that I may have been involved in controlling the transactions of two teams in the same league, I would not tell him that those transactions barely helped my team. I would be outraged that I was being accused of these charges. Hopefully the truth will come to light. And if I am crying wolf where none exists, I will apologize. But where there is this type of smoke, fire should be investigated! Why would one team release their 5th,10th,18th,and 24th picks two days after the draft? And why would one team, and one team only somehow be on line at the exact time and be able to pick up all these players. Also the players were not all released at the same time. They where released over the course of several hours.
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Postby Jake Squid » Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:53 pm

There are cheaters in any reasonably sized group of gamers, so your concern is not unwarranted. Asking TSN to investigate seems like the correct route to go.

IME, you can rarely prove cheating. But if enough folks have the same suspicions, things tend to work out. You just stop playing with people who you think cheat & others do the same. It may not be 100% foolproof (either way), but it's the best we've got.
Jake Squid
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:35 pm

The manager who released Barry Bonds(5th pick),Frankie Morales(10th pick),Jamie Burke(18th pick),and Mark Reynolds(24th pick) is named," JCII". When I asked him what happened with Bonds, he replied that he feels bad enough about his button pushing mistake, and that I should stop sending e-mails calling him stupid and making it worse. I never once called him stupid!!! I just said it was weird,and asked him what happened. Then when I investigated further, and found out he also dropped Frankie Morales, I asked him why he did not trade him to me or anyone else. I received no reply.
The manager who was the recipient of all the dropped players is "tboo13".

Even if this is not a case of cheating, it certainly is a case of weird happenings. I will do my best to stick to leagues where I know or have played with the managers from now on. Thank you for all replies and opinions. Even the ones who think I am wrong or crazy. The more light an area gets, the easier it may be to find the truth!
Last edited by RICHARDMILTER on Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby TefJ » Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:44 pm

I think that it's pretty clear that it's not a case of collusion, actually, though it is pretty weird. That is not to say that there aren't cheaters in SOM, but I don't think there are many, as the reward for cheating is not that great.

Even if both teams are owned by the same guy, he really didn't double his chances of winning, so it was a poor financial decision. The whole point of SOM is to enjoy playing it, and I doubt if anyone would enjoy their team as much knowing that they had to cheat to win.

Also, assuming the two teams have the same owner, why the heck would he drop Bonds in waivers? Usually, there are a lot of people watching right at 5, and he'd be taking quite a chance that he would totally screw one of his teams without helping the other. He would be better off doing it at a later time, or making a somewhat lopsided trade.

Truthfully, though, I know if I had been around at 5, I would have picked up Bonds if I saw he was available, even though I already have Ortiz. He's too valuable as a trading chip to leave him unclaimed.

You are right, rmilter, that it has been a strange league so far, and this sort of thing probably is why it took so long for the draft to fill up. Without a salary cap, people seem to make some weird decisions and mistakes.
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