by pkwmati » Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:20 am
1) toriihunter (MN)
2) klx22 (OH)
3) rmilter (California)
4) he's meat (reserved)
5) gstanis (reserved)
6) durantjerry (reserved)
7) ironwill1 (CT)
8) lumbercompanysouth (reserved)
9) wwwetz (reserved)
10) ggrover15 (reserved)
11) thisisray (NY)
12) LMBombers (reserved)
Alternate #1) PM770
Question regarding the frenzy after the 1-day roster additon period : You must remain true to the 1 per team requirement right? So for example, if Peavy is available post draft, I can only pick him up if I cut my Padre or if I didn't have a Padre in my 28 to begin with. Is this correct?