Would you look at this team for me?

Postby hallerose » Sun Sep 14, 2008 2:31 pm

I haven't played with the set, but your #1 problem is your pitching in that stadium. You want the vast majority of your home innings to be pitched by lefties to force your opponents to use almost exclusively righthanded hitters in the park. I have played in similar parks with all lefties for starters and mostly lefties hitters, and my calculations is it can be worth 8-9 extra home wins.
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Postby thisisray » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:05 pm

before i address any other questions, are you playing granderson both ways??
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Postby Rant » Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:28 pm

1. The postseason is often a game of chance anyways, so I'd lean toward pounding righthanders. There are good cheap guys who can pound lefties, you may want to explore (do your really need Jerry Owens and Trot Nixon? Why not try to fit in Reed Johnson - platoon w/Granderson - or Kevin Mench? Is Paulino available at catcher?). The one plus to playing Granderson both ways is that usually a righthander reliever will come in eventually ;-)

2. He may not be a [i:a094f18613]bargain [/i:a094f18613]for your park, but I haven't seen him come up empty. I'd keep Mags. I've played Pence and like Pence, but he's injury prone and has a +1 arm. Raburn is a nice pitcher's park card too, but unless you're adding significant value elsewhere, he may not hit. Mags will hit. Not a big fan of Dunn. That's a killer OF with Schumaker, Granderson, and Mags.

3. I'd look to take some more risk with your pitching staff; I'd find another starter who has some righthand bphr, and another in the pen to replace Cla Meredith.

Hallerose is right about turning around switch-hitters, but unless you have a bunch in your league, I wouldn't trust that many lefties. Oliver Perez doesn't seem to fit your park. I'd start there. If anything I'd put in a lefty to your pen before starting that many lefties (E. O'Flaherty available?).

Also, you can likely get away with ten pitchers in your park. Not sure you'll get value for Justin Miller.
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Postby visick » Mon Sep 15, 2008 7:54 am

1. I'm not too crazy about the defense in your park. 2's, 3's and a couple of 4's in a pitching park doesn't work for me.

2. I think you have too much $ invested in the pen. Bell should eat the innings up, with Valverde closing.

3. You're not going to get any production from 3B. While I like Gomez, he's an expensive sub at best.

4. 1-7 lefty HR's doesn't really faze me a whole lot. Your 3 LHSP's are going to face 60-65% righties, maybe more. You want Kenny "The Gambler" Rogers seeing that many righties? I'd rather have a staff, including my pen that [b:c91f6fe0ad]DIDN'T [/b:c91f6fe0ad]give up BP singles, [b:c91f6fe0ad]ESPECIALLY[/b:c91f6fe0ad] to lefties.

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