'86 poll, part 2

Would you play the '86 game if it was $12.50 ?

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'86 poll, part 2

Postby Free Radicals » Thu Sep 18, 2008 4:03 pm

Chime in again please :wink:
Free Radicals
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby coyote303 » Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:32 pm

I actually feel bad for TSN. They offered us a great deal--free teams--but made a mistake in not setting limits. Some people abused the privilege (and a couple of those had the audacity to blame TSN for their own overindulgence) and many people simply got their fill.

Of course, I would like to pay less for all my teams (mostly 70s and 2006), but I also want to see TSN make a decent profit. If they don't, they have no incentive to continue providing the service they do. If TSN SOM baseball ever went away, I would really miss it.

Look at what they make on one season: 12 X $25 = $300. Then take out $75 to cover the free credits given. You're down to $225 and that's not taking into account some people bought a 5-pack and thus paid less than $25 for the season.

[b:9ad128a49b]This amount $225 doesn't cover one day of salary for one computer professional.[/b:9ad128a49b] On top of that you have the hardware costs, costs for providing bandwidth, royalties to SOM, and so on. Obviously, they need to have many leagues going to make it worthwhile at all.

I am not saying we shouldn't ask for lower prices, more choices, improved forums, and better customer service. However, what we want usually costs them money so it's a balancing act for them to give us a good product at a reasonable price and to maintain profitability.

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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:15 am

I wouldn't mind seeing the 1994 season either. I have played 1986 at full price at least three times in the last few months, but possibly the reduce price could stimulate more interest. I agree with Coyote that TSNs costs are a factor that us consumers need to consider. One last thought, it would be nice if they offered a single free team to one particular season, a few months before the latest 200x season debuts. And then sell that season for regular price, maybe this could bring in new managers. And it could start(or continue)with the 1994 season. :D
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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