by RICHARDMILTER » Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:21 am
There is a lot that is great about this game, and this format. However, people are always going to think of ways that they think will improve it. But like the real game of baseball itself, I do not see major changes happening over night.
If I may suggest one change it would be; mandatory larger rosters. It is not realistic for a major league team to go through an entire season with only 24 players. I also believe it would add a tremendous amount of strategy to the game. And it would be extremely easy to do. But I realize that one man's perfect change, is another man's stupid idea. And at least we have what we have.
I would like to do a theme league where it is mandatory that each team carries 28 players at all times. I know MLB teams only carry 25, until September when they can carry 40, but they can always call guys up from triple A, without a cash penalty. I think larger rosters, or a theme league with 28 man rosters, would add that much more strategy!