How about a taxi squad and 6 / 12 game disabled lists

How about a taxi squad and 6 / 12 game disabled lists

Postby jgnazzo » Mon Sep 22, 2008 5:21 am

How about allowing say, a 5 man or 5Million dollar taxi squad that would allow you to carry backup players that could be called on in a emergency.
It would work like free agency except they are in your personal pool and there would be no tax to call them up and use them.

When a player, say a catcher becomes injured, you could call up your 3rd string catcher from the minors and place your injured player on reserve. You would have to keep your salary cap balanced. i.e 3 million dollar becomes injured for 11 games, you place him on he 12 game disabled list. and call up a replacement player who cost 3 million or less for 12 or more games.

The players on the squad would be drafted along with your normal team, but would not be avalable unless you made a move during the season.
A move could be made at any time during the season, with no cost or penalty.

The advantage to this over Free Agency would be a dedicated pool of talent for your team that could be called on at any time. Kinda like the minor leagues.
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Postby LMBombers » Mon Sep 22, 2008 5:51 am

Sounds like a 30 man roster instead of 25.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Mon Sep 22, 2008 12:05 pm

I would really like to see larger rosters, but I do no think any big changes are coming anytime soon.
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Postby elpasopesos » Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:16 pm

Bad idea It makes injury prone players more valuable.
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Postby ClowntimeIsOver » Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:19 pm

re "the "bulletproof" catcher rule (if one of your catchers gets injured, the other one can't be injured until the first catcher comes back from injury)"

Is this part of the online game? Why isn't it mentioned anywhere?
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Postby LMBombers » Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:25 pm

There are several rules that are not mentioned anywhere in the online rules.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:03 am

I would like a league(possibly a theme league) where you MUST keep 28 players, at all times. To me, it would be more realistic, there are not MLB teams who go through a season using only 24 players.....that just does not happen. And it would add more strategy to the game.
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Postby keyzick » Thu Oct 02, 2008 11:19 am

[quote:54c93d599b="rmilter"]I would like a league(possibly a theme league) where you MUST keep 28 players, at all times. To me, it would be more realistic, there are not MLB teams who go through a season using only 24 players.....that just does not happen. And it would add more strategy to the game.[/quote:54c93d599b]

Start one up, I'd join!
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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