by durantjerry » Thu Oct 02, 2008 5:06 pm
In an SOMO live draft, you do not have to choose your stadium until the draft is over. This allows you some flexibility as the draft progresses. However, your first pick usually points you in the direction you will go. If you take say Cobb, you are usually headed towards a pitching park, but not always. You well then be faced with a decision on pick #2, is Cobb a leadoff hitter in a medium power or slugging park or are you playing smallball? If you grab Sisler, you play smallball. If you take Maris, you go slugging park and pick accordingly as the draft progresses. I would keep an open mind, but you do have to commit fairly early, as your top picks should be able to excel in the park you ultimately choose. In an "unofficial" live draft(non-TSN), your thinking with regards to your park during the draft should be the same, except you pick the park during the draft, usually at the end of the draft, depending on how dependent your team is on your park choice. There is only one PNC, so if you need to play there, make sure you get it, as drafting parks measns a unique stadium for each player. In ATG there are many park choices with duplicate dimensions, so you can usually pick it last.