2008 Tour Top 75 - Final

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

2008 Tour Top 75 - Final

Postby mesquiton » Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:26 am

Unofficial Top 75 - Final
(Top 36 finishers qualify for 3 Semifinal Leagues)

* League Champion
t Wins tiebreaker(s)
- Event not played
p 25-pt double stadium use penalty deducted
# 10-pt reliever penalty (200+ IP) deducted
(Low score) dropped from Avg for managers completing 6 events.
Managers dropped if unable to finish 5 events.

Manager Avg Ev1 Ev2 Ev3 Ev4 Ev5 Ev6

1. Deelyo 105.8 118* 114 (84) 98 103 96
2. spicki17 103.2 98 83 119* (81) 100 116*
3. springer0432 102.8 (80) 117 102* 94 108 93
4. stevep107 100.6 111 102 105* (76) 77 108*
5. jmoore1966 100.4 (71) 81 116* 94 116* 95
6. UNCtarheel 99.8 81 110 108 100 (72) 100
7. weinberg 99.0t 85 110 112* 104* 84 (84)
8. J-Pav 99.0 111 79 (78) 82 112* 111
9. luckeroll 98.4 82 113 97 81 119* (66)
10. bbasebrawl 98.0 108* 108* (79) 81 109 84
11. bigmahon 96.8 77 89 108 (77) 101 109*
12. rgimbel 96.6 100 78 96 108* 101* (77)
13. socalchiro 96.0 99* 95 103 82 101* (51p)
14. ajbke5 95.2 105* 94 77 100 84 93
15. Stoney18 94.8 85 (79) 83 98* 106 102
16. Dalinoth 94.4 109 109* 79 94 (75) 81
17. akindian 94.2 107* 84 94 103 83 (67)
18. Jack377 94.0 105 96 (73) 79 103 87
19. AZHawg 93.8 (76) 105 103 84 95 82
20. mesquiton 93.4 90 108* (71) 82 82 105
21. exwallman 92.8 96 (78) 79 79 110* 100
22. thisisdan26 91.6 96 (73) 97 103 84 78
23. edgecitytx 91.2 82 (72) 106 108 77 83
24. leehaak 91.0t 76 111* 85 104* 79 (69)
25. deeznuts515 91.0 82 117* 71 87 - 98
26. Sykes25 90.8t 86 89 89 109* 81 (77)
27. JAMIE399 90.8 94 96 87 - 105 72
28. bob711 90.4t 89 80 84 (79) 92 107
29. Coffeeholic 90.4 99 82 91 85 95 (71)
30. wwwetz 90.2t (72) 78 100 94 75 104*
31. Roscodog 90.2 110 85 76 98 - 82
32. Dhowser 90.0t 84 (71) 100 104 86 76
33. dadnsam 90.0 81 83 90 - 103 93
34. salmonbellies 89.8t 113 79 84 75 98* (44p)
35. Jeepdriver 89.8 76 87 83 (75) 104 99
36. barnak 89.4 75 68 76 113* - 115*
37. mfsleeze 89.2 97 102* 73 79 95 (71)
38. jagman28 88.8t 69 98 99 - 82 96
39. Detroit-Tigers 88.8 108 106 75 80 75 (72)
40. onesweetowrld2 88.6t (72) 102 78 75 90 98
41. Frank M 88.6 83 99 (71) 102 83 76
42. ZARKOV 88.4t 99* 85 (74) 100 79 79
43. edub1969 88.4t 72 (65) 115* 78 96 81
44. The Turtle 88.4 (70#) 95 111* 84 72 80
45. sjkorte 87.6 80 100 77 (77) 99 82
46. thisisray 87.4 85 86 75 109 (71) 82
47. Toi_San 87.0 83 94 100 80 (66) 78
48. teepack 86.8t 74 103* 86 95 (73) 76
49. uncle ny 86.8t 82 (80) 94 81 83 94
50. ArrylT 86.8 (71) 94 79 105 75 81
51. durantjerry 86.6 95 84 108* 79 67 -
52. WillieRandolph 86.4 76 94 (68) 75 82 105*
53. BthnyBchBum 86.2t 78 91 77 - 77 108
54. wockenfuss 86.2t 97 79 79 76 (76) 100
55. PillPop 86.2 81 83 80 105 82 (79)
56. nhsteven 85.2t 118* 91 75 59p - 83
57. fjzahn 85.2 79 92 (73) 82 91 82
58. TomSiebert 84.6 93 75p - 93 85 77
59. Red Beards 84.2 (70) 80 85 110 72p 74
60. mtarbell 84.0 86 95 76 (76) 84 79
61. Delbird 83.8 - 108* 82 79 72 78
62. ggapp 83.2 74 76 92 96 78 -
63. JohnMRoss 83.0 78 83 100 (67) 81 73
64. Ryno2390713 82.8 83 105* 76 80 - 70
65. jjbird8 82.4t 80 74 75 105* 78 (69)
66. SUNDERLAKER 82.4 93 76 91 (72) 79 73
67. caimrisek 82.2 77 67 76 87 (74) 104
68. DEZMan 81.8 96 78 80 81 (69) 74
69. keyzick 81.4t 76 76 (72) 96 81 78
70. mamiller_53 81.4 (74) 79 84 79 82 83
71. barnicle 81.2 93 84 72 86 71 ?
72. tplatypi 81.0 93 78 (76) 79 77 78
73. AllStarInc 80.2 80 81 100 65 75 -
74. RWhite411 80.0 79 82 68 72 - 99*
75. tgmfp 79.8 79 76 - 76 99 69
Last edited by mesquiton on Sat Oct 31, 2009 3:45 pm, edited 80 times in total.
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Postby mesquiton » Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:42 am

If you find errors above, please post to this thread, will try to fix with next update. Thanks. 8-)
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Postby The Turtle » Fri Oct 03, 2008 10:24 pm

I would just like to say the 200+ rule is crud ...I can hardly control it, I could not drop him after it looked like he would pas it...and almost all of my other relievers had about 70 IP...HAL just kept putting Bell into the game!!!

I am in a position to be at the very top and because of this dumb rule, I am fighting for a playoff spot...Bell ended up with 215 IP ...how do you control that???? YOU CAN'T We don't have enough control to prevent it.

Although, truth be told I was not paying enough attention since my team was in the tank. If I had even known I would have dropped him.
Last edited by The Turtle on Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Turtle
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Postby rgimbel » Fri Oct 03, 2008 10:55 pm

I feel the turtles pain it is a dumb rule
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Consider Reconsidering

Postby TomSiebert » Fri Oct 03, 2008 10:56 pm

Turtle -- You're one of the best competitors here and it will be less worthy a victory for any of us if you default. Think about it for a week or so and reconsider.


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Postby The Turtle » Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:44 pm

Once I calm down I will probably reconsider. I have not played in the tour since its first year due to money issues and I am enjoying it this year.

What irks me though, is that I really had no idea that I even went over. I knew it was close at one point and thought I was safe, then when it fell apart I did not look at it again.

I did not even know until I saw this message. No one even marked me down with a penalty until now and no one let me know. No warnings were sent out.

It just sits bad with me. If i make the playoffs I will probably honor my commitment. I have enough credits. For some reason this year seems to be my year. Last year I missed the playoffs five times by 1 game or less. I guess Karma is catching up to me.
The Turtle
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Postby mesquiton » Sun Oct 12, 2008 5:22 am

update thru 10/12
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Postby Sykes25 » Thu Oct 16, 2008 8:33 pm

You are truely a great competitor and I mean no disrespect.

Honestly, this is NOT the thread for the 200 inning RP discussion. I cannot disagree more. You have TOTAL control over something like that, but I will not debate that here.

I am speaking strictly from a game engine perspective. Regardless of who is making the claim, it is entirely controlable.
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Postby mfsleeze » Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:46 pm

I agree with Sykes (both points, including the "no disrespect" point)

I have had Bell in most of my leagues, and I've never come close to the 200 IP rule because I was aware of the rule and avoided the possibility (either drafted S7s set to slow hook or made sure I had other R2 types who could eat some innings). I think the issue is making sure people are aware of the rule, but I don't know what more can be done besides reminding people to read the rules carefully.
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Postby The Turtle » Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:50 am

Why even bother to bring this up 2 weeks later? The point is my team was in the tank and I was not paying attention to Bell. And every time I have him he gets more than 150 IP. I have him in another league where he got 183 and another 141, which still has a few games to go. He is not set on slow hook in any of the three leagues. I don't even usually check any of the boxes for my closers and set up guys.

Anyway, it does not matter, I think I will qualify regardless, but I still don't like having to drop the score from it because of the rule, which I don't agree with. It was put in place a long time ago when people were getting 300-325 IP from relievers. Bernie for the most part has fixed this issue.
The Turtle
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