Hit and Run Chart

Postby RICHARDMILTER » Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:15 pm

I am in your league. The SUPER advanced fielding chart is very complicated. I have it here in my hands, I wish I could fax it to you. But here goes me trying to decipher it, and copy it down for you.

Hit and Run Play:
If the single die is 1,2,or 3 you refer to Super Adv. H and R using betters hit and run rating. For a C(Weeks) it is as follows:

2) gb1B C (runner advanes, batter out)
3) Single**
4) Single**
5) LEADR(lead runner out batter safe)
6) gb2B a (double play)
7) BMP (pick card for steal result)
8) gb1B c (runner advances batter out)
9) BMP
11) BMP
12) LO DP (line out double play)

Now if the frist die roll at the beginning is a 4,5,or 6 you get the result of pitchers card in normal way. However, if a stike out, walk, single,or double occurs of pitchers card refer to SUPER ADVANCED PITCHING RESULTS HIT AND RUN CHART for final result of the play.

for a C Hit and run batter
strikeout= BMP (batter miss pitch/ runner steal result)
walk= gb2B c (runner advances)
any single= single**
any double = double**

I hope that helps. As you can imagine the results are better if the batters is an A or B hit and run guy. and if your man on base can steal. But you knew that already. Maybe if I have time, tonight I will post the WHOLE ENTIRE SUPER ADV. HIT AND RUN CHART FOR ALL LEVELS OF H AND R ABILITY A THROUGH D! I hope this helps good luck. I never really studied this chart and you asking about it, got me to thinking I should .Good luck in our league, and if you have any more questions, fire away. I have all the printed material(Super Adv) from the most recent edition of the board game!
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:27 pm

I have noticed I have rarely seen players with A hit and Run ability. And come to think of it, A bunting ability. I can think of one A bunter in the 2007 set, Jon McDonald. Does anyone know of any players in 2007 that are rated A for hit and run. It is almost stupid for me to post those results, because there are not many players, if any with that rating. although looking at the chart, it is too bad, because a lot good can happen. I can post the results for B if you want. Also players may go up a letter in certain situations, for instance: infield in! So maybe if I have time after work I will post results for A and B,.... H and R ability. If anyone is interested. Good luck!
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:32 pm

One more thing if a 4,5,or 6 is rolled initially, and it reads strike out on the pitcher's card, the runner has to steal, but the batter gets to roll again(or swing away) so that result is not all bad!

And I like weeks as a 60 million dollar league leadoff guy too. That was good thinking. You are right about high OBP and he can steal and even hit some HRs.
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Postby Naturaldoc » Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:51 pm

I think H&R B becomes an A if the runner is held, but I'm so confused by the superadvanced rules that I'm not positive.
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Postby AeroDave10 » Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:57 pm

After looking at least 1000 cards since joining SOM, I have never seen a hit and run rating of "A", which seems pretty silly. Makes me think of Spinal Tap and having the volume dial that goes to 11.

As for bunt ratings of "A", there are a number of A bunters, so that is not really that rare of an occurrence.

I challenge anyone to find an A rated hit and run card here at SOM online.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Thu Oct 23, 2008 2:04 pm

Aero Dave, I could not agree more, however I think they get bumped up a letter if runner is held or infield in(just like other guy, and I said). Spinal Tap analogy is PERFECT!!!!!!! GREAT MOVIE!
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Thu Oct 23, 2008 2:06 pm

I will post all Super ADV hit and run rules tonight, however I am late for work now. Until then do not put any cucumbers wrapped in aluminum foil down your pants and go through metal detector at airport! LOL
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From the rules

Postby JASONBANNER » Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:07 pm


19.1 The Hit and Run may not be used with a runner on third base.


19.2 Each batter has an individual hit-and-run rating (B, C or D) shown at the top of his card. Consult that rating on the Advanced Strategy Chart, then roll the colored dice to get the result.

19.3 If the defense is playing the infield in or if a runner is being held on base, then the batter's hit-and-run rating is improved one grade (Example: The batter's B hit-and-run rating becomes an A).
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