Suggestions for Game Improvement for the 2008 Set

Postby RICHARDMILTER » Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:31 pm

The original board game, and CD-ROM rules state that any player who played CF is eligible to play either corner outfield position at the same range and e-rating. I would love to see this rule carried over here. I know some would argue that the corner OF positions are not quite the same(especially anyone who has ever played the OF) but let's be real, Sizemore,Ichiro, and any CF could play a corner OF position with the same range. And Besides if it is good enough to be an original Strat rule(and good enough for Hal) it should apply here. I realize it is not a huge deal, or of great importance but it would be a nice addition. I do not mean to nit pick ,because I think the game is great, but as long as we are talking change, I thought I would bring it up. Keep up the great work!
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Postby AeroDave10 » Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:15 am

Now that we have the dice rolls showing up in the box scores, would it be possible to offer another split besides L/R and Home/Road? I'm thinking a pitcher card/hitter card split so that we can see how effective our pitchers and hitters are when their numbers are called. Also, I would like to be able to combine split stats to answer questions like "Since I play in PNC, how are my pitchers faring against lefty batters at home?"
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Postby JEFFFESPERMAN » Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:22 am

It would be helpful if we had a setting to tell HAL when to yank the starter. I'd like to be able to use my bullpen before the other team scores eight runs in the first inning.
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My four cents

Postby TomSiebert » Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:59 am

Lots of good suggestions faves would be setting a 25-player roster minimum, 7-game semi finals, and the AL/NL -only settings.

[b:34daaa9e8b]MY top fixit would be to do something about the ridiculous overuse of stud relievers -- this year, for example Betancourt, but there have been many others in the past -- cranking out 150+ innings regularly and skewing the realism more than anything else in the game.[/b:34daaa9e8b]

I'm also concerned about "normalization," where a player who's been having a great season suddenly tanks because the game engine "sees" he's way over the top and begins to govern his performance. I'm not sure how prevelant it is, but I've seen too many teams -- my own and others' -- who go into a downward spiral in the last 60 games or so when all their overperforming players tank simultaneously.

Overall, though, this remains the greatest game around, and has provided literally hundreds of hours of enjoyment in my busy life. I applaud the Powers That Be for continuing to upgrade the game and seeking our opinions and input. Thank you.


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Postby keyzick » Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:20 am

Well, the argument against the super-reliever (ie, Betancourt this year) would imply that more normalization should be instituted. I've read and re-read Bernie's posts about the game settings so many times, I can't remember how they have it set.

BUT if relievers are limited by normalization, it would also normalize the performance of overachieving players too, one would think.

I see your point though Tom. I just think the game has so many variables, what if's, if/then's, etc. that it's tough to accomodate them all.

Like you say, regardless, the game's provided hundreds of hours of entertainment. And it's nice to know that they try to tweak and improve it as much as possible.
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Postby edub1969 » Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:09 am

I wouldn't mind seeing how the draft picks fell in a simulated draft. Also as Dhowser stated in a previous post go to the next pick on my list rather than replace with a similar player for that position. Seeing where other coaches placed their priorities might help someone like me who is newer to the game as far as ranking players IMHO.
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Re: Drafts

Postby keyzick » Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:08 pm

[quote:8b6b7cdb64="edub1969"]Also as Dhowser stated in a previous post go to the next pick on my list rather than replace with a similar player for that position. [/quote:8b6b7cdb64]

Amen to that!
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:41 pm

I also agree that getting the next pick on your draft list(when the guy you want is taken) would be better than another payer at the same position. I really like that idea!!! And how about live draft,... WITH salary cap?
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Postby geekor » Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:20 pm

with regards to RP usage, that is the SOM game, love or not, that is it.

SOM rules, RP can only pitch 2 games in a row. so if they pitched 2/3 games and R2 could essentially pitch 216 innings unfatigued.

How exactly would you change that, because it would have to be a change to the basics of the SOM engine.... It's not overuse in SOM, only compared to real life. In real life though, show me one team who went with only 4 RP's, or hell only 8 RP's all season. Injuried, call ups, sept more call ups, SOM isn't the same as real life. Either you can deal with that, or you can't.

I guess the only real way would be to designate spots for RP for each inning, and take away the other settings. If you had these settings LH specialist, RH specialist, setup, closer, long reliever, mid reliever(s) (the guy(s) who bridges the gap from starter to setup guy). But of course, that would mean forcing to carry even more pitchers, something I'm sure the vast majority of guys would be against
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Postby geekor » Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:21 pm

I wish they would show the draft results after the teams draft, that would help everyone. Also specify what position you are drafting (Frisch in ATG, players like Dunn in 100x set), so you only get a replacement for that position.
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