truly disgusted, take this game and shove it

Postby keyzick » Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:24 am

Is he seriously 10 years old? From his manager name to his rants, acts like a child, but 10 years old, for real?

Disrespectful, ignorant, vulgar...
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Postby Jerlins » Thu Nov 27, 2008 3:44 pm

I had a team a year, maybe 2 years ago, which won 108 games, 2nd place finisher in my division won 98 games, and the third place team in the division won 90 as well. My reward for 108 wins in a division that dominated the league? First round matchup vs the 98 win team. And of course, my team was eliminated in 4 games. It happens, you are not alone.

And while I cant speak for each team that went into the playoffs, at times, the record doesn't always reflect on the team. Did that 82 win team have 3 other competitve in his division as well? Did the 2 90 plus win teams or your 100 win team get there by facing one or both your other divisional opponents who happened to also be the patsies for the rest of the league as well? Playing two teams with sub 70 win seasons 24 times is a bit different than having to play against teams in a division with competitve balance.

Bombers said it best, not much more to add. What does his age have to do with anything? He stated fact, all of which I agree with. And realistic? I can't name too many rl life managers that wouldn't replace their ace in a deciding fifth game of a do or die playoff who has given up 5 runs and was down by 4 after 3 innings.

Not many here in the community think that this is realistic at all. Most, if not all understand that it is what it is, a game! A game of statistics, some skill, some luck. And we all feel good when we win because we get to play two more games on the house, not because we think its realistic.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Thu Nov 27, 2008 3:45 pm

Aray0113 said:[quote:6e2cd6875c]
Please post a link to your team; I'd like to see what you did ... I can still learn something from this game! [/quote:6e2cd6875c]

I agree with this statement. Something can always be learned.
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Postby LMBombers » Thu Nov 27, 2008 4:23 pm

Here is his team. He had an excellent team. Anytime you win 100 games you've got something good going on.
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Postby fuqshaq » Thu Nov 27, 2008 4:55 pm

Thanks I did not know how to post a kink

I really am 10 years old. My dad helped me with waivers and free agents, I drafted myself. He won't give me more money until the 2008 teams come out. Does anyone know when that is?
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Postby the splinter » Thu Nov 27, 2008 6:52 pm

On line set goes live in mid March.
the splinter
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Postby coyote303 » Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:38 pm

[quote:5851eded13="fuqshaq"]...I really am 10 years old. My dad helped me with waivers and free agents, I drafted myself. He won't give me more money until the 2008 teams come out. Does anyone know when that is?[/quote:5851eded13]

No wonder you're upset; making it to the finals was the only way you were going to be able to play again before March!

Seriously, now that you've calmed down, you can use this whole experience as a learning experience. (By the way, when you get to be in your 50s like me, you will still get learning experiences!) Or you can stay bitter. It's your choice, but if you choose the latter option, it only hurts only you. Handling disappointment well is a challenge for everyone at every age.

You are also correct that just because someone is older, they aren't necessarily right. Another lesson here, however, is that they aren't necessarily wrong either!

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Postby pwootten » Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:56 pm

Nice managing job Shaq. Getting to the playoffs takes some skill. Winning the playoffs is often about luck. Get there enough and you'll win your share (I keep telling myself).
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Postby fuqshaq » Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:23 pm

thanks everyone
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