newbie question about Don't PH for vs. lefties

newbie question about Don't PH for vs. lefties

Postby JOSEPHNEY » Sat Nov 29, 2008 4:41 pm

I dont understand what this is asking me. If i have a batter who is good vs lefties do i mark the setting Don't PH for vs. lefties as no or yes?
I dont understand what it is asking me,is it asking me do i want to lift this player for a PH who is good vs lefties,or is it asking me do i want to leave this player in vs lefties.
If someone can explain what this means so i can understand it it would be really helpful,of course i want to substitute strong hitters vs either righties or lefties for others who aren't,i just dont know how to set it correctly

Don't PH for vs. lefties .....What exactly does this mean folks???
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby AeroDave10 » Sat Nov 29, 2008 6:25 pm

I never thought one could read that much into the question. I think I, and most others, would agree that "Don't PH for vs. lefties" means that if you checked that box for a guy who is good against lefties, e.g. Ronny Paulino, he will stay in to face all lefty pitchers.

That is, of course, unless HAL arbitrarily decides to totally ignore your request (as he is known to do with quick hook) and does whatever the heck he wants to do :roll: .. Most of the time, though, I think the "don't pinch hit for" option is followed pretty rigidly. I check with all of my core hitters on both sides, and definitely on the strong side on platoon players. I still can't tell what it means if you [u:470dcea7dc]don't[/u:470dcea7dc] check it, but I'm pretty sure I understand it means when you [u:470dcea7dc]do[/u:470dcea7dc] check it.
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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