Auto Draft...Concerns

Auto Draft...Concerns

Postby RICHARDMILTER » Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:27 am

My last two auto drafts have yielded me 12 out of 25 guys(in each draft) that I was trying for, and 13 guys(on each team) that I have absolutely NO USE FOR! And two things make it worse. One is the waiting until waivers happen(It is like waiting to get your car fixed). You have this dreadful feeling that you need to fix the problem, but can not, least right away. I would much prefer frenzies, but no one else seems to like that format. And the second thing that makes these drafts worse; is the fact that you can only put in 8 waiver claims. I missed on 13 picks. Now I will admit, I have had a real lucky run with the 2007 set(up until now).
These auto drafts should be improved in some manner. Or add live drafts.. WITH salary cap. But that is not right to only receive 12 guys out of 25 that you are interested in. The other 13 I would give away for FREE! And now I have to wait two days with a horrible feeling of not knowing whether I can fix this team. I know I am sounding like sour grapes, but this is the way I feel. Have I just been real lucky in the past? What is the worst auto draft you have ever had?
Last edited by RICHARDMILTER on Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby LMBombers » Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:10 pm

Uncle Milty, Yes it does sound like sour grapes. :lol: Just because you put certain players on your AD doesn't give you any more right for them than any of the other 11 owners in the league. Part of the strategy of building a good team is also knowing the best way to prioritize your AD card. I bet if you had your AD card in a different order you could have gotten more of the players you wanted.

Yes luck does come into play as well but knowing what players are the most sought after helps to determine what order they should go in. If there are certain players that really fit your park well I would put them higher than they should go otherwise on my list for example.

Anyway I'm sure you feel a little better now that you have vented a little. :wink:
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:23 pm

I understand all of that! It is the system and format that needs fixing! Instead of giving me the next available -player at the primary position listed, I should get the next available player on MY LIST! I am not the only one who feels this way! And why do I have to wait two days for waivers??? That is BS! And as a so called ,"Moderator" you should be able to see my(and others) points of view, instead of saying inane things that make me feel worse! Of course I know I am not the only person after certain players, and that the ranking of the players comes into play! But as AeroDave and others have pointed out, the system is flawed! We should get the next available player on our list, not some stiff I would cut immediately if I could. It is nonsense that our rosters are frozen for two days. It takes all the fun out of the game worrying if I can fix my team, or make it too a computer in time for free agency to open up at 5:00pm. And why can I only make 8 waiver requests, when I missed on 13 players. You as a moderator did not address any of my questions, instead you belittle me, and make me feel angrier. You have done this in the past as a moderator, maybe you harbor some feelings of regret for losing to me in past leagues(I do not know). But I do know a moderator is supposed to calm people down, not rile them up! This is not the first time,...either!
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:33 pm

Furthermore LM,
You telling me I sound like ,"Sour grapes", after I ALREADY said that I probably sound like sour grapes is like your girlfriend/wife saying I feel fat, and you saying you look fat! You as a moderator should be trying to make people feel better, not be-little ling them! Actually not just as a moderator but as a human being! That is the sort of problem I have had with your, "Moderating" in the past!
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Postby LMBombers » Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:36 pm

Wow. I see I shouldn't have said anything. Sorry to get you so riled up. that wasn't my intent at all. Feel free to continue to vent. 8-)
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Postby DHowser » Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:41 pm

I have said this a few times now that I think the draft should be run like rmilter is saying. If you don't get the first guy on your list then it should go to YOUR next player. Not the next player that no one has on his list. Usually if a player isn't on anyones list then he isn't all that great.

I had a draft last week where I didn't get any of my first 4 players on my list. How can I rank them any better if I can't even get my #1 ranked guy? So in place of the 4 players I wanted the most, I got 4 players I had to drop because I couldn't even trade them. If anybody wanted them in the first place then they would have had them on their list. I did a lot of patch work, but the team still isn't close to what I wanted.

What I think would work best is that if you don't get your 1st ranked player then you go to your next ranked player. If someone else had him as their first pick then it would go to your next player. Once you get to the bottom of your list then it would go back to the top and give you a replacement (the next best available at taken players position) and so on ..... just my 2 cents.
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Postby Stoney18 » Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:02 pm

Ummm, LM isn't a moderator so I wouldn't be so harsh on him. In fact he's usually the voice of reason on the boards.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:04 pm

Ummm LM is a moderator! There is a way to talk to people, and a way not too, moderator or not! And in my experience he has been the voice of piling on not the voice of a moderator! And the gentleman who posted before me,..could not be more on the money with their assessment of this very flawed and silly Auto Draft system!
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Postby Stoney18 » Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:25 pm

Where do you get that LM is a moderator?

Strat-O-Matic Baseball Online
Moderators: Blite27, darnott, desva001, EFerreira

Correction: Just found out that he is moderator for a couple of the forums.

In any case, aren't you being a little sensitive? I didn't read anything in LM's post that would be considered rude. Maybe the smiley face threw you off. :D
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:49 pm

He is a moderator for the 1986 boards. But if he is good enough to be a moderator there, he should act like one on any of the boards. And he did not address any of my questions, he just said I can not get all the players I want to get, and said I sounded like sour grapes. That is not polite! You should post to others the way you speak to them when they are standing right next to you. I have had this problem with him in the past! And my and the other gentleman's beef are legitimate. The way the auto draft is run is just silly. And I will continue to point it out, even if it means all my teams going on extended losing streaks!
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