by voovits » Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:38 am
One thing about this proposed change that needs to be considered.
Automatically dropping to the next player on the draft list is going to lead to many issues.
First, It may not be just you who lost out on a certain player at a certain time.
Let me give an example of something that entered my mind almost immediately. I'm going to use players from the 80's mystery card game for this example, as that's what I like to play, thus I'm most familiar with.
Lets take take a 3 player/3 team draft into consideration.
Lets say the draft cards look like this:
Team 1 Team 2 Team 3.
1. Brett 1. Brett 1. Brett
2. Schmidt 2. Schmidt 2. Clemens
3. Clemens 3. Gwynn 3. Gwynn
OK, so all 3 guys had Brett as #1. So lets say for arguments sake Team 3 gets Brett.
So the proposed change says that both teams that missed out gets their #2 guy. Well both 1 and 2 have Schmidt.
OK fine, Team 2 wins out on Schmidt, so team 1 gets the next guy down the list. Wait a minute... Team 1 got Clemens at #3, but team 3 had him at #2. Why should team 3 get penalized just because he won the random roll for Brett at #1?
Also, lets throw a 4th team into the mix, lets say team 4 has Brett and Schmidt 1 and 2 as well. So team 4 wins out on the Schmidt sweepstakes, that leaves teams 1 and 2 to fall to their #3 guy. You know the issue with Clemens, but what about Gwynn? Does team 2 automatically get him, or does he have to challenge team 3 for him?
Either way, regardless of how it goes, someone is getting screwed big time. Also, what happens at the end of the draft?
If you keep skipping down to the next pick, once the draft is over and you have say 18 guys on your team, how is it determined which other 7 guys you get? And don't forget about the other teams too, everyone will have incomplete rosters at that point, then what?
I know the example I gave above may be a bit extreme, but I'm sure it has or would have at the top of draft cards at some point if the proposed changes take effect.
It's a good idea in theory, but like the current system, has flaws of it's own. You have to consider the other managers as well as yourself. Either way, someone is getting screwed and someone is going to be unhappy.
My suggestion would be to keep the autodraft system as is with 1 minor tweak.
Before the draft starts, the system should generate a random mini-waiver like list. If there is a tie in the system for a player, the person with the lowest rank waiver number gets the player, then automatically gets bumped to the end of the list. Then the process repeats. I understand that is flawed as well, like 2 different players are tied in the same round, which player gets processed first, but it at least keeps 1 team from getting all the picks, and reduces the number of teams who lose out on almost everyone.
That's why I like the mystery card leagues so much. It's much easier to recover from a bad draft, and what you think is a good draft may turn out to be garbage. That guy who won out on Brett as the #1 pick, just got his worst year, and he won't know it until several games have passed, then he will be released, vegetating on the free agent list unless someone else decides to take a chance that he was just under performing, and dismantles his/her team in order to afford him, only to be disappointed when he does not perform.
Anyway, sorry to get off track from the original point.
One other suggestion I could think of would be to leave the undrafted positions blank, and allow for a second draft with the remaining players to happen a couple of days after the initial draft, done similarly to the first. Then, any ties are broken the way they are done here, and anyone who failed to fill out the second draft card, will get all the leftovers after that.
Sorry for the long winded post.