by ROBERTLATORRE » Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:58 pm
[quote:1f73fb5ad9="coyote303"][quote:1f73fb5ad9="jchisholm1"]It's not "**** *******" it's "***********" If you are reading "**** *******", you are pronouncing it improperly.
It's about being an analyst and a therapist.
It's not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. And it's an amazing TV show that everyone should watch.[/quote:1f73fb5ad9]
While these are mitigating circumstances, it IS a big deal. The problem is the context. The whole world isn't in on the "little joke," and therefore many will be offended.
If I was to put the offending word underneath my name plate at work trying to be funny, I guarantee you the Human Resources department would have a serious talk with me. Trust me that they wouldn't say "oops, our mistake" when I tell them they are misinterpreting the pronunciation and the meaning.
Before this last post, I would have favored banning the manager from TSN. Now that I realize the name was probably meant to be clever rather than offensive, I would settle for simply changing the team name. But it needs to be changed.
Well, I am at work the day after the draft and go to check my team, sure enough the internet filter blocks the site due to the team name. So now I end up going to my network manager and explain to him that his boss was NOT surfing for A*** R***** sites and that he can remove the block.
Not the end of the story unfortunately, a weekly internet filtering report goes to HR and get's reviewed. So now I go the the VP of HR and have to explain to her.
By far the proudest moment as VP of IT, just wonderful.