The value of the homerun (long-winded vent)

Postby voovits » Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:34 pm

Well, I can't say I didn't learn anything from the helpful replies. I appreciate the input.
Despite the seemingly glaring issue I now realize I have with the team, I'm not giving up hope. I have a huge 3 game series with the 1st place team tonight, I have my 3 best guys going (Blyleven, Swan and Lynch - got lucky with him) and I am 4 games out of first. This series tonight will either destroy my hopes or give me a new life.
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Postby Siberian Knights » Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:27 am

[quote:a70ad87bf0="the splinter"]

In my opinion small ball teams should have at least 1 pure power hitter....a guy who has straight/pure HR's on each side of the card. You might have to play a 4 in the OF or corner infields spots but this player will give your team some offensive spine.[/quote:a70ad87bf0]

I agree with this 100%. I have a team in PNC (HR = 1-7 L & 1-1 R) that is currently 83-64. I tried to build my team on speed and defense. After the auto draft, I still had a lot of money left but no big power hitter. I ended up picking Pena. Most people said he was the wrong guy for my park but he has 43 HR's and has won many games for me. (Note: I have two 3's in the OF.)
Siberian Knights
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Postby keyzick » Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:25 am

Nice team...but why on earth did anyone think Pena was wrong for your park? A lefthanded slugger in a park that favors lefties over righties. Glad you ignored anyone who told you different. Pena definitely adds that punch so many talk about for the small-ball teams.
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Postby vegaslou » Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:34 pm

This is my 1st ever post so bear with me...I've been playin since high school(43 yrs old now now), played 162 game schedule table game most of those years. I learned this a LONG time ago....On base, Hrs's and strike outs are what you want for hitting. I'd rather have a guy strike out than hit into a double play!!! For years I would have guys argue with me about Batting avg, hit pts etc. I would get out HIT and yet I would kick there butts. Why, because youd get 11 hits and score 5 runs and I'd get 6 hits and 5 walks and score 6-7 runs because I'd hit 3 hrs. I'd get xtra AB's because when I made outs they where strikeouts. When my opponent would hit his "off" column he'd ground into DP's!! Its just how strat works. POWER AND ON BASE is how to win consistently in Strat!!!
Pitching and defense is another whole conversation!!
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Postby voovits » Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:21 pm

I dunno. I guess my thinking in strat is flawed. I do agree that a strikeout means no double play, but my thinking is that a strikeout also means no sacrifice fly or no groundball out advancing a runner from 2nd to 3rd or 3rd to home. Isn't that just as important? Especially for a small ball team. Are groundball double plays really that much more common than a flyball B or any grounder that does NOT result in a double play?
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Postby the splinter » Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:49 am

The above points are all very true...

except maybe this one...

[quote:16724be04d]there are few high-HR guys in the 07 game who don't strike out a lot .[/quote:16724be04d]

off the top off my head I can name some pretty good players that will hit 25+ dingers and not K 100 times (more like 75-90)


probably more out there but I would have to mine the card set to find them
the splinter
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:19 pm

vegaslou says:[quote:1fbdb14f94]This is my 1st ever post so bear with me...I've been playin since high school(43 yrs old now now), played 162 game schedule table game most of those years. I learned this a LONG time ago....On base, Hrs's and strike outs are what you want for hitting. I'd rather have a guy strike out than hit into a double play!!! For years I would have guys argue with me about Batting avg, hit pts etc. I would get out HIT and yet I would kick there butts. Why, because youd get 11 hits and score 5 runs and I'd get 6 hits and 5 walks and score 6-7 runs because I'd hit 3 hrs. I'd get xtra AB's because when I made outs they where strikeouts. When my opponent would hit his "off" column he'd ground into DP's!! Its just how strat works. POWER AND ON BASE is how to win consistently in Strat!!!
Pitching and defense is another whole conversation![/quote:1fbdb14f94]

Your way is far from the only way to win. I have seen many teams win championships and get out homered, two to one. In the right stadium a team can win a championship with less than 100 HRs. And no one on the team with more than 12 HRs.
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