Bad Sportsmanship, Opportunistic Move, Foul Play?

Was this an experienced manager being opportunistic or an example of poor sportsmanship?

Poll ended at Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:18 pm

Total votes : 0

Bad Sportsmanship, Opportunistic Move, Foul Play?

Postby ROBERTLATORRE » Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:18 pm

I'd like the general population's opinion on this mystery card "hypothetical" scenario:

In a recent mystery card league, there is a manager with a low points 1 star rating that offered a PRE-SEASON trade to a manager with a >5000pt 5 star rating.

The 1 star manager has 0 championships with a few dozen teams, no personal information in his profile, no board posts.

In the preseason trade offer, the low rated manager offered a stud lefty slugging OF to the >5000pt manager for a high OBP speedy lefty OF. Based on the parks the trade made good sense.

Here's the twist. The season started and the low rated manager never rescinded the trade due to an oversight. About 30 games in, it looked like it is the speedy OFs worst card and slugging OFs best. The >5000pt manager then accepts the trade when it was obviously mistakenly left out there.

What is your take on this? I am genuinely curious. OK it's not "hypothetical" but I am interested in the general consensus, I'm not looking to start a board flame war with managers I know nothing about, but I am curious to hear the community opinion.

The good news is that an injury reveal on the speedy OFs card the first series AFTER the trade points to his BEST card.

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Postby Play By The Rules » Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:45 am

One more option, the mystery card "game" SUCKS.
Play By The Rules
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Postby Runnin Rebel » Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:47 am

Not voting, but I had a similar situation where a trade was offered in the off-season which I waivered on until the season started. Once the season began, I took a chance and accetped the trade (which to my suprise went through). After a brief bit of negotiating, I was able to strike a deal with the other manager by returning the players in question and brokered a new deal.
Runnin Rebel
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Jan 06, 2009 5:02 am

I believe that there is a small possibility the managers are the same. I am NOT saying they are, but I am saying I think that type of thing has happen in these leagues in the past. It may be rare, but I am 99.9999 % positive that some managers have several accounts,.. and put two of there teams in the SAME league, while not informing TSN or the others in the league.

The situation you describe, could be that,... however it was probably an opportunistic manager who was a bit unscrupulous, combined with a manager who let himself be taken advantage of by making a careless, but common error.

Whatever the case may be, you have a right to bring such a matter to the light. I hope it does not ruin your experience here. I hope people choose to follow the rules. I believe for the most part they do. But it would be EXTREMELY naive to think that no one has ever bent the rules. People cheat at golf, bowling, on their taxes, and even their wives. There are cheaters in all walks of life. I would like to think there are less cheaters here. But we are a competitive bunch. And any time there is competition there will be someone trying to get an unfair edge.
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Postby LMBombers » Tue Jan 06, 2009 5:49 am

As far as following the rule (from the rule book) was broken by this transaction at all.

One issue this brings to light is when an owner is offered a trade he should either reject it, accept it or make a counter offer and not just let it sit there without responding. I hate when that happens. You see it has been read but have not heard back. You don't know if he is considering it still or has rejected it in his mind and has already forgotten about it.

At this point the owner offering the trade should rescind it so nothing like what happened here could happen to you. However if this is a new player he may not know to do this and could be taken advantage of by the unscrupulous veteran player.

I don't think one player with two ID's happens very often. Think about would spend 2 credits or $50 with the best case scenario of winning those 2 credits back? Makes no sense. Also if they were the same person why would a trade offer be made early in the season without being accepted? He wouldn't have offered the trade to himself at the time unless he was planning on accepting it.
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:55 am

As an honest veteran of this game, I would have immediately taken or rejected the offer immediately. I'm thinking this veteran guy took advantage of this rookie by letting the trade hang out there until he saw what card was being used.....and then pounced. As Randy said, there are no rules broken here. Perhaps this is a situation in which the master was schooling the student. The student will be more careful in the future.
However, I would never knowingly do that to anyone.

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Postby the splinter » Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:58 am

If it were me, I would have messaged the other GM, for clarification, before accepting a dated offer.
the splinter
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Postby keyzick » Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:39 am

I had it happen to me once this own fault for not rescinding the offer. It was one of several preseason offers I'd had out on the table, so overlooked that it had gone unanswered.

The worst part was it was accepted like 10 minutes before the offical cutoff for the season to begin.

Live and learn.
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Postby FAaron » Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:50 am

I don't know if it is possible, but maybe they should change the trade rules to provide if a trade isn't accepted in a week, it is automatically rescinded. It just seems to be a problem that with many of us managing multiple teams, it could happen to anyone that forgets that he has a trade offer hanging out there that hasn't been replied to, especially in a mystery card game.
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Postby franky35 » Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:14 am

I think that a trade should be either accepted or rejected within a few days. If the trade is left hanging, the recipient should either (a) email the other team to see if the trade is still offered, or (b) decline the trade and send an offer for the same trade.
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