by J-Pav » Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:06 am
You are getting absolutely crushed on the road. Are you seeing lots of pitcher's parks?
I'm guessing you are - you seem to have built a Chase or Yankee or Rangers type team that isn't all that well suited to pitcher's parks. You're in Kauffman, and your pitchers are not double play type pitchers (Lowe, Guthrie, Wang for instance) compounded by Tejada's 3 at short. I would guess that that's where a half a run a game in your ERA is coming from. All those extra baserunners are just nickel and diming your pitching staff.
Your offensive 4 runs per game (3.60 on the road??) seems like HAL not liking you much. Markakis, Dunn, Tejada and Roberts are all under performing and must be killing your rallies at just the wrong time. I think you can do better scoring runs in Kauffman with a lot less power (Crawford instead of Dunn for example), but Fielder, Dunn, Loney, Lowell and Markakis is a heck of a core to be producing only three or four rpg on the road.
Mentally cut this one loose and let it go. I know it's a $100m league, but Mora, Gonzalez and Hernandez are just throwing away dollars. You might try Guzman or Renteria at short to kick in some more offense (Furcal is a perfect back-up for either) if you're so inclined. But really, there's not much you can do in the way of upgrading unless you can put together a good trade.