And Wes Helms card was realistic 2 years ago? No, but he was priced accordingly. Personally, I don't care if the card has the name Pujols or Cruz on it, it's just a name for heaven's sake. I build teams based on cards and not on player's names. I joined three pre-card leagues this year, and did not draft certain players (Furcal etc) based on the assumption they would not get cards, because last year D. Murphy and J. Elsbury did not and finishing 1st in one and 2nd by 3 games in another, where those two could have been the difference, well it cost me $40. And why did I waste high picks on those two last year? Wes friggin Helms!!!!
Consistancy would be nice. Furcal getting a card and others not makes little to no sense. If Cruz is a $14 player, so be it, put him in! Those who would be first to complain about Cruz and his ungodly numbers, will be the first to have Riviera and Devine toss 200 innings on their teams.