by 2cityfan » Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:57 am
Hi guys I ran a league like this last year, and will be glad to do it again.. here were the rules:
80 million cap/DH/frenzy/pick a home ball park from one of the teams you drafted
1.) First we do a 2 round live draft, here on the message boards to draft a team... the draft goes in serpentine order so the 1st pick, also gets pick 24, 2nd pick gets pick 23 etc.... we use the state lotteries to determine drafting postion and division alignment. You get exclusive rights for the entire season to all the players on the 2 teams you drafted. No trades...
2.) Optional Rule: after everyone drafts the their 2 teams, their will be 6 teams that have not been drafted... the players from these teams can in effect be the free agent pool.. After the 2 team draft, we will run another 2 round live draft in the same order as the team draft to select players from the 6 unassigned teams to supplement our 2 teams.. during the season these players can be dropped, and replaced by other players from the available free agent pool (only players from the 6 unassigned teams).. BUT at no point can you have more than 2 players from the 6 unassigned teams on your roster...
Sign Up here if interested (and please pick a state so we can select the draft order)
1. 2cityfan (PA)