Update on this sites response to collusion

Postby fredpaii » Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:31 pm

[quote:4357086c03="scorehouse"]why 3 credits? the max you could get if you won it all is 2? maybe offer a 2 for one sale? :lol:[/quote:4357086c03]

I know, it's a pipe-dream. Maybe SOM could institute certain parameters in their computer system to prohibit trading when one of the teams has little to no chance of making the playoffs (late in the season). Maybe the trade could be at least flagged at that point for future approval. However that might be worked out. :D
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Postby LARRYLANG » Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:17 pm

[quote:3ddc91a247="scorehouse"]its the exact opposite scenario. definitely gives the other 3 teams in the division a huge break. why waste the money for a sure loser?[/quote:3ddc91a247]

Not if the cheaters are in the same division..Virtually assures the wild card to come out of that division...Collusion is the same either way. Someone else said it right..Play with guys you know.....Because, you will not recieve any help from TSN.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:05 am

If they are not doing anything about cheating, and make no mistake, the scenarios being discussed here, ARE CHEATING, then that is absolutely deplorable.

I have long suspected a certain small percentage of managers of having TWO TEAMS IN THE SAME LEAGUE. The reason being so one is an automatic doormat for their TEAM A. That is cheating! And it does happened, and if it keeps happening with no response from TSN, I will stop being lazy and start playing in more of my own,"Replay" leagues, or more STAR tournaments,...or both.

I love the format and competition here, but if they are letting blatant cheating and tanking,.. go on, that is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE,...PERIOD!
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Postby LMBombers » Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:04 am

Even if you want to cheat and enter two teams (under different ID's) in the same league it is no guarantee of success. The most you could hope for is two credits for winning the league. You have use two credits to even try this so what is the point? :?
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Postby durantjerry » Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:01 am

In my experience cheating is very rare. I have played over 400 teams in 15 SOMO games and don't recall ever being in a league where someone cheated. There have been a couple fools who dismantled teams when they knew they wouldn't win, some very bad trades that altered the competetive balance as well as TSN's poor decision to add new ATG players in the middle of ongoing seasons to whoever grabbed them first. I don't think it should be a big concern to TSN as an ongoing problem, as I think it's a pretty immaterial. That is, it happens so rarely that it's almost irrelevent as a problem within the game. They should respond to those rare occasions when it happens though, as I know it's pretty aggravating to those involved(I was pretty aggravated when they added the new ATG players). It's bad for public relations and sucks for the players in that league, but overall I think they do a good job as you almost never see it happening.
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