Shortstop Choice

Shortstop Choice

Postby pwootten » Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:21 pm

I need some help from some of you who are more statistically inclined. I have two shortstops to choose from - no trades left for this team. One is a ss4e22, the other is a ss3e36. The 4 ss is a considerably better hitter, but I'm trying to determine how much he'll cost me defensively. I'm thinking the difference is minimal, but can someone confirm?

Thanks, Paul
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Postby nicknava » Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:02 pm

Go with the 4. The are both going to kill you on defense so you may as go wth the one that can hit.

Dont have my error sheet in front of me but I am thinking that the 4e22 and 3e36 would be fairly close as to how many hits and errors that they allow.
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Postby TefJ » Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:19 pm

I think a decent rule of thumb for middle infielders is roughly 1 range = 15 errors, so yeah, they'd be about the same defensively. I tend to think 1 range is slightly more important than 15 errors, as they will make more double plays. Still, in this case, I'd definitely go with the hitter.
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Postby joethejet » Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:59 am

I believe the gap is more than 15 errors because you have to take into account the missed doubleplays and the fall out from that.

By my calcs (which take into account 2 base E's and the difference between Si* and si**) a 4e22 is about the same as a 3e48.

A 3e36 is about the same as a 4e8.

Now, Nick is right in that they will both kill you defensively as SS is the most often occurring X chart roll. So, IF the hitting is that big a difference. Which players are you talking about?

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Postby Mean Dean » Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:02 am

My blog has an article that deals directly with this issue.
Mean Dean
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