

Postby WGullett » Fri Mar 20, 2009 2:48 pm

In my league ("Pitchers and Catchers in 30 days") we have an OBVIOUS act of collusion and thought Bernie should know about this. This collusion doesnt affect me(81-78 with 3 games left) but the team in question that has been affected is rightfully upset.

Heres the scenario- the past 4 series the manager of one team rested COBB, GWYNN, and SANTO(among others). He batted Frank Quilici CLEANUP....Of the last 4 series in our league the first manager did this TWICE and both were against the same team... Needless to say, the team that faced this watered down lineup won all 6 games. The manager who caught this is 3 games back in the wildcard race with now only 3 games left....The two managers who did this are under 200 manager points while the one who was affected has over 3000 manager points....HERE is why I have no doubt as to the collusion----

Being 49-59 I needed to make a move and waived Honus Wagner. I received a message from one of the teams in question asking why I would do that..Not having to do this I send a message back explaining that I had to make a move(32-19 since)... I then receive a message from the OTHER manager(this message was to me AND the manager of the other team in question) and this was the message-

"Dear Dolly(the other teams manager), You know, I cant figure out WHY he would waive Wagner...what did he get for the 11 million"? HES TOAST...yes he said I was toast lol....I then fired back a message questioning why he not only sent it to me but why the other team was included in the message.....THIS is what I received in return-

"Sorry Jim(my managers name) about the comment, I was just talking trash to my BROTHER IN LAW"......there was more to the message but that is what the message started out with.....

A DIFFERENT manager(the league leader) sent out a very nice message detailing the rules and asked for the 2 managers to respond, they havent in 3 days...NOT responding to the allegations, AND the previous messages to me that mentioned they are BROTHERS IN LAW leaves no question that this actually happened...Im not sure who to contact at TSN about this so I put it in the forum....I do believe that if someone were to check my message box they would see these messages to me(I didnt erase them for some reason) and conclude for themselves that there is no doubt to the valididty of the allegations..

I have had other problems with the credibility of the game in general and hope that someone will look into this and rectify the situation and make it right...not that it matters to TSN but if they cant even get this right then this will be my last isnt right and its time for TSN to do something positive for a change. Please take care of this...thanks
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Postby joethejet » Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:15 pm

Sounds like you have a good case, I think you should email them directly and this should be posted to the "Questions, Suggestions, Issues for TSN" forum if you haven't already.

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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:22 pm

If it is indeed collusion , something should be done. Integrity is everything. TSN and 99.9% of the people here have it, but there could always be rare cases of cheating,... or tanking,.. to help someone(same thing).
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Postby chasenally » Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:45 pm

It rares its ugly head again. My advice as I have been given this advice. Find some people you can trust and play with them. This dosen't help TSN or Strat as this won't help the game grow, but as in the words of Tony Saprano "wada gonna do" :twisted:
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Postby mjf309 » Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:54 am

Did the team that rested santo, cobb and gwynn already clinch his division?
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Postby scorehouse » Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:31 pm

any new info?
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