What's wrong with this team (need line-up help)

Postby KEITHLAMONT » Fri Apr 03, 2009 8:07 am

You have saunders who is a lefty. One lefties typically do not fair well in homerun friendly parks, and there are many hitters this year that tear up lhp. Marcum doesnt fit you park either he has too many bp hr's. Beckett's card suck this year, for similar or less money try someone like jeff bennett or dice-k.(Heck, Fausto is a great value and will free up money for elswhere) Just my 2 cents.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Fri Apr 03, 2009 12:24 pm

First off, you have only played 33 games. Secondly, there is a LOT of luck in this game. So you could have the best team, and you have not gotten the rolls,...yet. Thirdly, I like your budget SS. But you have to play Bartlett against LHP, he will bring you better defense (CONSIDERABLY) and he will get on base a lot, even more than Theriot. So there is my two cents. I wish you the best of luck, and remember get Bartlett in the lineup against lefties!
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Postby J-Pav » Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:36 pm

VS. LHP[/u:af8cb80756]

Ramirez, M.

Tests out to 6.631 Runs Per Game*
VS. RHP[/u:af8cb80756]

Ramirez, M.

Tests out to 6.072 Runs Per Game*

FYI: Lots of interesting advice for you to consider. I'm not sure what [b:af8cb80756]rmilter[/b:af8cb80756] is saying about Bartlett's OBP, Theriot is a 50 rating (.463) for OBP, to Bartlett's 42.1 (.390) vs. LHP, but Bartlett's SLG is better by a lot at 57.3 (.531) to Theriot's 31.7 (.294). The defense goes without saying.

Whether you like Theriot's OBP or A-Ram's SLG in the lineup at DH is a matter of personal preference. In the lineup software, Theriot's OBP wins out slightly, w/ the Ramirez substitution testing out at 6.457 per game vs. LHP.

As for your pitching, I guess I'm in the minority here, but I like your pitching. I can't imagine there is a lot available to choose from at this time anyway. I think Saunders and Marcum are perfectly fine. Grilli was a nice upgrade.

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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:03 pm

Against LHP

Bartlett 42.1/57.3

Theriot 50/37.7

With Barlett being 20 total bases better and a 2 instead of a 3, I do not really see how it is even debatable. But maybe I am wrong.
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Postby Delbird » Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:47 pm

[quote:1c6601b02a="J-Pav"]This is from the Baseball Musings Lineup Analysis[/quote:1c6601b02a]

Is the website for this something that anyone should be able to access? I searched on this and found a site but everytime I click on it, I get 'cannot display the webpage'.
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Postby N1STEELERFAN » Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:06 pm

I'm going to vote with looking for someone better than Branyan.
He seems almost worthless with Wright on your team healthy.
Maybe you can go with someone with a better average and
base stealing ability to either pinch hit in the close games or
pinch run for some more steals.

Something to think about.

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Postby J-Pav » Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:43 pm

[quote:1a90264f25="rmilter"] ...and he will get on base a lot, even more than Theriot.[/quote:1a90264f25]


I figured you meant it was more total bases and not more "on base" - this was just a little confusing, but I think everyone gets it.


Somebody else mentioned this before, I think. Your computer needs a "patch" of some kind to read the file. I guess it's an easy thing to do. If I get a chance I'll surf around and try to link it, it's in the boards here somewhere.


Branyan's got one of the best "vs. RHP" cards in the set, esp in a hitters park environment.
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Postby N1STEELERFAN » Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:02 pm

I was just going by how he's doing in the simulated season
being played. Maybe it's just bad luck in the start of the
season he's playing.
I guess you can just be patient and see if he turns around.

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Postby J-Pav » Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:36 pm

[quote:1ef2747787="Palmtana"][quote:1ef2747787="Delbird"]Palmtana, I can't seem to get that link to work.[/quote:1ef2747787]

Your computer has to be able to open [i:1ef2747787]py[/i:1ef2747787] files.

You could try this:


Did this not work last time?
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Postby Delbird » Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:12 pm

I tried that and the utility scan id'd almost 400 registry errors and I never made it past that. I'll keep trying. This did sound familar so I think I probably asked the same question before - thanks for answering it again.
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