2nd season ....same result... LAST

2nd season ....same result... LAST

Postby scotch_iwarp » Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:34 am

[color=indigo:ee8304304c]Any tips that anyone could provide would be extremely helpful. :oops: This is my 2nd season, and i still have not caught on yet. I thought i had pretty decent pitching, but i did not pick up any of the hitters i had wanted to draft.


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Postby chasenally » Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:28 am

I am not the guru at this that some of them are and you will find them by just looking for them and thier posts. But here I go. You have lead feet in the OF. 3's and 4's (in range) will kill you. Singles doubles and triples fall in the OF when you are that slow out there. The Golden rule is 1's and 2's at CF, SS, and 2B with low e rating (6e) or something like that. When your defense is that bad (3or4 range) it makes your pitching much worse then thier card shows. Make a comitment to pitching or hitting and play in that kind of park. The rule as they say is in a 80mil league is 30mil pitching and 50mil hitting. Next time play in a 80mil league as the more you have to spend the better you had better be at this game. I believe in relief pitching more then Starters if you want to go the hitting route. 50% of the time it wont hit your card so pitching is important but if your OF can't run it down and your IF can't catch it then you have big problems if the pitcher can't strike them all out. Read the posts and grab what you can out of them and when you post ask specific questions as you will find some of the responses as long as this one but will tell you all about range only. It is early in the season don't panic and find a good #1 range somewhere up the middle. Your starting pitching is good they just can't throw the ball and break for CF and catch the ball at the warning track.
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I'm sorry

Postby chasenally » Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:39 am

You do look good up the middle but with 3's and 4's on all corners that is bad. You have a save killer but only 5 innings pitched for 7mil that is a waste of money. You might want to get him some more innings by not making him closer only. (my guess is you have him set for closer) or set your starters for slow hook and put Rivera in for after 7th inning but not closer. That will get him more innings and keep your best pitchers in the game more often. Youe defense is really bad. In a 1000 mil league look at the other teams and see how you match up postion by postion and maybe you will see something that sheds light on the subject. May the rolls go your way. Mike
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I salute your adventurous spirit

Postby fredpaii » Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:10 am

You're playing with the fancy salary and advanced skill parameters? I would keep it simple as a beginner for next time. 8-)

My little contribution/advice will be to keep it simple at first.

Play in a major pitchers park.
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Postby durantjerry » Sun Apr 05, 2009 8:08 am

I agree about the defense. I have played two 4's in the corners on rare occasions in hitting parks and they were both stud hitters. I wouldn't use McCann, Morneau or Hunter there. I have tried Hunter in less than 10 #HR parks and he sucks totally in my experience. I think I've cut him twice already. Two catcher thing is something I've also tried(back when I was a beginner) and I don't believe it helps anything., especially where Martin is durable. I would set Riviera as set up/closer and leave Devine blank while poutting the rest as mop up, forcing as many innings their way as possible.
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Re: I salute your adventurous spirit

Postby scotch_iwarp » Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:40 pm

[quote:1269f59bdc="derfs"]You're playing with the fancy salary and advanced skill parameters? I would keep it simple as a beginner for next time. 8-)

My little contribution/advice will be to keep it simple at first.

Play in a major pitchers park.[/quote:1269f59bdc]

This is a leauge that my uncle-in-law? is in. He invited me and has given me tips on stuff as well. The Draft really hurt me, as i only got 6 out of my 25 players....

Rivera only shows R1. I shoud pitch him more than 1 inning? I picked up Hunter to better my defence but i can not find anyone decent on waivers to put in the corners.

Thanks for the help though...
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Even at a 1r

Postby chasenally » Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:10 pm

Rivera is better then anyone you got fully rested. It is about chances on your card and RH/LH match ups, but remember you have 50-50 chance that it hits your card. Won 2 straight maybe tonight starts a big win streak. 8-)
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Postby joethejet » Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:56 am

Looks like you made some moves?

I don't play 100 mill all that much, but the team rates 2464. Not all that great when you consider the best 80 mil teams I've come up with are around 2300.

Ok, your problems:

I think you're paying a premium by DHing McCann. Plus when Martin gets hurt, you'll play some bozo there until the game is over cuz Hal won't move McCann.

Your OB is farily low for a singles park and your hits/108 is OK, not great. Clutch is fine. Slug a little low, but for the park maybe OK if the other numbers were better.

You're not very good v LHP at all. You have zip power. You don't have to have a lot in that park, but you should have some.

Your D overall is average because your 1 at 2b and in CF balance out the stonemitts in LF/RF/ Also, having a -1 CA helps. I agree with the other guys, however, that starting a 4 in both spots isn't advisable.

You're paying a lot of money for your bench which isn't going to play a whole lot. You have 6 guys who can't get injured for more than 3 games. Of course, you're in a 100 mil league so maybe you can afford those guys, but you would have been better off with someone that can platoon Morneau and could allow you to play McCann at CA v LHP and DH a better bat than Martin.

In addition, your rotation is sort of strange. You're paying 5 mil for Marcum to get 20 starts. You'd be better off having a 4 man rotation and using the money on the other two SP spots and having a .50 guy in the 5th spot cuz he'll never pitch.

In a 100 mil league you couldn't do better than Buscher? Looks like you've made some moves so it's hard to fully comment.

Looks like you're starting to get more IP from Rivera, that's good.

Getting only 6 of 25 players is always going to put you behind the 8 ball and it can be hard to bounce back from. I think you've just spent a little money unwisely especially with Marcum and maybe McCann as a dh. I don't care much for Hunter in your park, but with your other OFers, you do need a 1 in CF for sure.

Hope this helps,

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