Manny and Pujols

Manny and Pujols

Postby chasenally » Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:22 pm

I haven't seen them brought up. Thinking about trading Halladay for Manny. Would leave me with not much pitching but in a theme league where I have the Blue Jays and Cards. Manny followed by Pulols seems like some fun boxscores. Would be in Rodgers or Busch. Any thoughts about either player?
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Postby joethejet » Sat Apr 04, 2009 8:05 pm

It's hard to say without knowing what else you have.

Both are good players. Prolly want to be in Rodgers if you make the trade All those BP HRs go to waste in Busch.

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Postby durantjerry » Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:07 am

Pujols has been awesome for me.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:35 am

Chasenally, wants to know if he should trade me Roy Halladay for Manny Ramirez straight up. I am not even positive that I want to do it. It is a two team the theme league, and he has Toronto and St Louis, and I have the Dodgers and Rangers. I like the fact that at the moment I have some of the highest OPS guys in the league; Manny, Rafael Furcal, Josh Hamilton,and Milton Bradley, but my starting rotation only includes Dodgers, since there are no playable Rangers as SP. It looks like it would be a fairly even trade (their salaries are close, and we have a 100 million dollar cap) but Manny would play EVERYDAY, and Halladay would only pitch once every four days. I have to pick from Dodgers, or Rangers ballpark, and right now my lineup is killer, but my only starting pitchers are only Dodgers. Billingsly, Lowe, Kuroda,Kuo, and Maddux. Both of us want your opinion. Thanks.

ps. chasenally, I did not mean to steal your thread, but I need help deciding to.
Would we be both be better teams with this trade, hence strengthening BOTH our chances to make a playoff run, or would one(or both) of us be making a BIG mistake. I would love to see what the experts think. Thanks for all opinions! We can not post a link, because this league has not been created yet......

Side note; I like this two team theme, and this is my first one. Ninersphan put it together. Thanks Ninersphan!
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Nice post Rm

Postby chasenally » Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:53 am

I am thinking that Manny and Pujols in the 3 4 spot will make for some high scoring games and fun box scores. My SP pitching would stink to high heaven. It is a chance I am willing to take. Rios-Manny-Pujols-Glaus is a nice start to a game. Although C. Jones would fill that spot nicely.
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