by kab105 » Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:17 am
I would like to get some feedback whether we go with the 80 or 100 mil salary cap or allow trading. If we don't get enough feedback or a majority decision, I'll be making an exectutive decision before we draft.
Also, as stated before you have exclusive rights to your two teams you select.
1.Brent21401 (NJ) - 914
2.LMBombers (DC) - 634
4. toshiro (VA) - 081
5. lorenzolinh (TN) -495 [b:64f3994bcc](80 Mil Cap) No trading [/b:64f3994bcc]
6 buster j ratt(TX). 218
7. kab105 (PA) - 455 [b:64f3994bcc](100 Mil cap) no trading, 3 FA picks [/b:64f3994bcc]
8. MrBBW-WI - 790
9. ggrover15 -az - 987
10. Genegrid- IN - 439
11. mfl536-OH -263 [b:64f3994bcc](100 Cap) Allow trading [/b:64f3994bcc]
12 djl3737- NY - 647
Here is my 2 cents worth: I favor keeping the rules as close as possible to the original ones. That said, I can see where some teams could have trouble reaching the 100 Mil cap. I do not think trading will solve this. You can't "up" your team cap level by trading. You have to give to receive. One way to solve the 100 Mil cap problem is to allow 3, or up to 3, free agent pick ups from the 6 non drafted teams. Since this is a 2 team theme league, we want to keep that theme in tact as much as possible. I understand allowing the 3 free agent pick ups will polute the theme somewhat, but I feel keeping the cap on an even playing field is more important.