I go hot and cold on Morgan. I like to hear his stories and other comments that draw upon his tremendous experience as a player. As an analyst, I think he misses as often as he hits the mark. I never took his manner of speaking as arrogance like alot of people do. He's certainly not humble but the absence of humility is not arrogance. He has certainty in alot of his opinions and that's what analysts are paid to have.
I do think there are better analysts and I'll name one. Orel Hershieser. Yes, he's dorky and funny only in a quirky sort of way. But instead of relying on a few hobby horse opinions to beat all the time, he has the ability to take a situation on the field and provide insight in ways that often seem unique, fresh, and spontaneous. As a point of comparison to another retired pitcher, Sutcliffe brings nothing new or particularly insightful from the point of view of a pitcher, whereas Hersheiser does. You learn more about the game listening to Hersheiser, whereas with Sutcliffe, all you learn is what a baseball announcer sounds like after eight beers.
Kevin A