Dump J. Morgan?

Our Mystery Card games - The '70s Game, Back to the '80s, Back to the '90s

Dump J. Morgan?

Postby Larryrickenbacker » Sun May 24, 2009 12:07 pm


My Astrodome team leads the league in pitching, but we're only 1 game over .500 and the 95% deadline will soon drop to 90%.
Joe Morgan is murdering RHP, but has proven himself a liability vs. Lefties. His OBP is .356. Morgan's also a big reason why my team has the fewest errors in the leauge, but is he earning that $11 mil? I'm thinking he's having his '73 card.
Would [i:09163b6db3]you[/i:09163b6db3] dump Morgan and try to pick up say a Yaz or someone else and a decent second baseman?


PS: BTW, we're having a bit off difficulty hitting LHP.
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Postby JONCHUCKERY » Sun May 24, 2009 2:51 pm

Me personally if I have Morgan's 1973 card I'm not dropping him.

few thoughts...
1. You still get great D and an exceptional basestealer and a guy who gets on with a ton of BB who will always score lots of runs.
2. You're in the Astrodome...numbers will always be a bit deflated there because of the park.
3. You're always going to face more RHP than LHP so live with mediocre results against lefties and ride his crushing of righties.
4. Yas for the most part isn't going to do better than Morgan because all his cards pretty much favor RHP...Also D at 2B is way more important than LF...and Yas can have his BPHR neutralized in a heartbeat in the Astrodome.
5. If it is 1973 then he will not miss more than the rest of the game with injury so in essence he is bulletproof.

Without seeing the rest of your team I'm not sure Morgan is the problem.
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Postby voovits » Sun May 24, 2009 5:20 pm

I agree with all 5 points. I would not be getting rid of Morgan. I always favor guys who pound righties over guys who pound lefties anyway as you tend to face more righties.
I don't know what your managerial settings are, but one thing I would do, if you haven't already is make sure Morgan is set to "do not bunt". One thing I can't stand is when a high on base guy comes up with 0 out and a man on first and he bunts him to second. Morgan could just as easily single or even walk than he could bunt him to second.
I know that setting alone isn't going to miraculously turn the season around, but you'd be surprised how a combination of minor tweaks could effect your team. Of course, you may already have that setting on him already.
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Postby Larryrickenbacker » Sun May 24, 2009 7:25 pm


Thanks for all the good advice. Voovits: Morgan has a measly .283 OBP vs. Lefties; seems like bunting a man to 2nd wouldn't be such a bad idea, under some circumstances. (Of course, I failed to mention that stat in my earlier post!)
I tend to ruin good teams by dumping guys who aren't perfect; think I'll just see how things turn out while keeping Morgan.

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Re: Thanks

Postby voovits » Sun May 24, 2009 9:14 pm

Morgan has a measly .283 OBP vs. Lefties; seems like bunting a man to 2nd wouldn't be such a bad idea, under some circumstances.

The stats he had accumulated in the past has no bearing on the stats he may accumulate in the future. If you do in fact have his '73 card, his chance to get on base remains the same no matter what his stats are up to this point.
However, for arguments sake, lets assume that he's going to put up a consistent .283 OBP for the remainder of the season.
We all know you generally face more right handed pitchers than lefties. If you left the option to bunt open, HAL will have him bunt more frequently in situations when you would not want him to vrs righties, than he would when you would want him to vrs lefties.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not completely anti-bunt, and I'm sure there are plenty of people who like to bunt often, but I really hate it when star players bunt under any circumstances.

Real life case in point: If there are any Met fans out there, how many times has Carlos Beltran drove you crazy by dropping down a bunt? I want to smack the **** out of him when he does that.

So anyway, it's not my intention to turn this into a thread about whether or not bunting is good, I was just making a suggestion.
Good luck with the team and I hope Morgan turns it around.
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