Expanding the Number of Teams in a League

Would Prefer to Play in a League with ...

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Postby coyote303 » Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:53 pm

I am in a new 2008 season league that drafts tonight. I would love to get my top four position players; they would form the core of the team I envision. Then, of course, I'd like to get all the starting pitchers I picked, too.

Even with 12 teams in the league, I figure I'll be doing well do get two or three of my top four picks. With 24 teams I'd be lucky to get one. In other words, more teams simply means I have less choice of players. Gee, that's fun! :lol:

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Postby durantjerry » Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:14 am

It would be fine if it were an option such as 5/10/20 waivers.
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Postby Sknsfan » Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:12 pm

I like Cubs idea.

As much as i'd love to see (or be part of) a 24 team, two league, 6 division, with full playoffs (wild card round, league cahmpionship, world series), the reality is that it would be hard to fill every time, especially if it isn't a specialty league off the boards.

But if the size of league was an option at league creation time, then it might be more interesting. That way you could know if you had the full commitment of a 24 person league before you created it and got stuck waiting forever to see it fill.

Also (and this only relates to a 24 team league) you could payout winners essentially the same way. League Championship loser gets a free credit, League Championship winner gets 2, and the bonus is an extra 3 days of competition for the world series. - Same number of buy ins as two full leagues, same payouts - financially a wash for TSN, but increased fun for the players.

16 and 20 team leagues may require some more thought on TSNs part for payouts, but still viable I think.

I'm just happy that they are entertaining the idea.
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Postby Rant » Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:43 pm

[quote:4719821432="sknsfan"]... it would be hard to fill every time, especially if it isn't a specialty league off the boards...[/quote:4719821432]

Looks like so far there certainly some interest (at this point 27 people for expansion versus 20 who aren't interested. Is there enough for Bernie to devote his time? Doesn't seem like it at first blush. I think sknsfan is right that these leagues would be very difficult to fill for anything except a specialty league, and that makes larger leagues a novelty.

While I'd love to have the option and play in such a league, given the lack of overwhelming support, there may be other priorities.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Sun Jun 07, 2009 12:58 am

I would try a larger league if it was offered. However it is not necessary,... for me. In a perfect World the more options the better.
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Postby Jerlins » Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:41 am

Exactly Keyzick!!! I've done Yahoo fantasy leagues in the past, where I have actually ranked 250 players in the order I wish to receive them, so if I miss out on my top 2 or 3, its not a big issue. I still don't understand why this option is not available in SOM online. I've put the request here, I've put it in suggestions, yet have never seen a response as to why they are unable to provide this option to us. There's not a bigger turnoff to this game than getting completely hammered in the draft. I still recall how many times in one of the past sets where I would draft A. Jones with the first pick for my Minute Maid team, only to end up with an absolutely useless Jim Edmonds. Now, if I had the option to "rank" the players, the pain wouldn't have been so severe.

And while we're at it...

Can we please get a "DO NOT DRAFT" under any circumstances option???
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