The strike-shortened 1994 season would be an excellent candidate for online Strat play. Many individual players were on the verge of career-best and even record-breaking accomplishments. Matt Williams was poised to break Roger Maris' home run record, with Ken Griffey, Frank Thomas, Barry Bonds and Jeff Bagwell right on his tail. Tony Gwynn hit .394 and nine other every day players hit over .333. How fun would it be to play out a full season with those cards?
While the offenses raged, Greg Maddux posted a lights-out 1.56 ERA (he'd be everyone's #1 draft pick). The Yankees were back playing .600 ball and the Expos were having their best season ever - and the best record in baseball with a .649 winning clip!
Playing the '94 set over a full 162 games would allow each of us to take a hypothetical stab at the lingering "what might have been" questions. Could Williams or one of the others get to 62 homers? Could Gwynn get to .400? Could you win 30 with Maddog? Could you load your roster with Expos and win a world championship?
I'd really like to play the 1994 set. You?